Welcome to our home page! The ASMR is an officially chartered 501(C)3 non-profit organization, based in Abilene, Texas. The club was established to promote public awareness and appreciation of Abilene's railroad heritage, and the important role played by railroads in national and local history.
The club was founded in 1991, and is currently meeting in facilities at 2043 N. 2nd Street, behind the old Coca-Cola plant. We operate a permanent 31'x29' HO-scale layout and a small N-scale layout. The HO-scale layout has a double track main line, and is equipped for running DCC engines. The club members also own a HO-scale modular layout, which members take to various community events around Abilene. In addition, several members own portable layouts in various scales, which can be exhibited from time to time.
We meet Saturday mornings from 10:00 AM until Noon, with business meetings on the first Saturday of each month, and operating sessions or competitions on the third Saturday of each month. Club members also get together for informal running sessions on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. Meetings and operating sessions are always open to the public.
* President Ken Riediger, (325) 692-8419
* Vice-President Jim Frankenfeld, (325) 676-5906
* Secretary Cody Hilliard, (325) 690-9574
* Treasurer Ken England, (325) 695-2458.
The Abilene Society of Model Railroaders
Copyright © 2009, Abilene Society of Model Railroaders. All rights reserved. Web page by Cody Hilliard; some page design by Dusty Garison.
These pages last updated Apr. 9, 2010. Thanks to TRAINWEB for hosting our site.
PRIVACY POLICY: We do not collect any personally identifiable information on this site.
Operating Session On Jim Norwood's Layout (August 2009)
Ken England running a train with a big smile.
Ken Riediger dispatching the railroad.
Saturday, May 17, ASMR members, their families and guests, spent the day riding trains in Fort Worth and Dallas. The group boarded the Trinity Railway Express for a ride from Downtown Fort Worth to Downtown Dallas. There, they rode DART's light rail system, including a segment of the high-speed subway, before boarding the historic McKinney Avenue Trolley.
On Saturday, March 15, several club members traveled to Brownwood, to visit the Lehnis Transportation Museum. They toured the museum, enjoyed the exhibits and explored the caboose. From left: Dusty Garison, Jim Gibson, Jeffrey Cowen, Steve England, Ken England, Ken Riediger.
Trip to Plano Texas Train Show (January 2010)
Saturday, January 16, several Abilene Society of Model Railroader members carpooled to Plano to the annual Train Show.
Operating Session On Ken Riediger's Layout (March 2010)
Saturday, March 27, Ken invited the club to a operating session on his layout. Several members spent a fun Saturday afternoon running trains.