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Bayview Yard

Bayview Yard

CSX's Bayview Yard is located in East Baltimore about 1 mile from the city / county line. The easiest place to park is in the Durrett Shepphard Steel parking lot. You are able to park directly in front of the tracks. As you are looking at the tracks from the parking lot, the south end of the Philly Sub is the far 2 tracks. To the left are the tracks that lead through the city. To the right, the closest track leads south towards PennMary and General Motors. The other track heads into Bayview Yard. There is really no great view of the yard except from above (on I895). From Pulaski Hwy (route 40) heading west from Rosedale, you will come to CSX's bridge which has BALTIMORE written across it. After you pass under the bridge, there will be a split where Pulaski Hwy continues straight and Monument Street bears to the right. Bear right on Monument Street and you will Durrett Shepphard Steel immediatly on your right. Turn right into the parking lot and you will see the tracks to the far right.

ADC Greater Baltimore Map Grid: 36A11

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