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Riverside Yard

Riverside Yard

Riverside Yard and CSX's Transflo Facility run parrallel with I95 on the south side of the Ft. McHenry Tunnell. It is easier to stop by the Transflo facility because the tracks cross the road here and there is usually alot of yard work going on. From I95 north or southbound, take the Key Hwy Exit. If you are traveling southbound on I95, Key Hwy will be the first exit out of the tunnell and you will see the tracks directly to you right. There is no place to stop on Key Hwy so you will continue straight (do not get back on I95) until you get to Hanover Street. You have 2 options here. 1) Continue straight across Hanover Street and make a right at the first street (unmarked, but it is a street), you will dead end into the tracks. The photo on this page is from that location. You can catch trains from both directions. 2) Make a right on Hanover Street (you will cross over the tracks and under I95) and make a right at the first traffic light, Wells Street. The tracks will be on your right. You can make a right at any street off of wells and you will dead end into the tracks.

ADC Greater Baltimore Map Grid: 43B4-E4

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