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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/capitolcorridorcommuters.

All Aboard!

Speak Out!

Tushar Dalvi recently wrote to Amtrak regarding the February rate increase for tickets from Sacramento to the Bay Area. By bringing this matter to the attention of Amtrak, a computational error in the fare calculation was discovered, resulting in a fare reversal effective February 8. The refund process will start on February 11. Passengers should use up any tickets they have purchased and turn in their ticket stubs for a refund of the portion of the higher fare paid.

This is the response Tushar received from Amtrak on February 5:

"The fare increase that occured on February 1, 1999 was a computational error that will be reversed the week of February 8th. This computational error occurred as part of a recalculation of Amtrak's longer distance fares to achieve a more uniform structure (called a taper) and in support of the change of the San Joaquin Route to reserved status. The fares on the Capitol route already have uniform taper and were not intended to change. However, some instructions input in error caused them to change. As was noted above fares on the Capitols will return to their pre-February 1 levels the week of February 8. The other fare increases undertaken in 1998, totaling 4.8%, are a sustained effort by Amtrak to improve the revenue to cost ratio of the trains we operate. The Capitols, as well as other Amtrak routes, require large state and federal subsidies in order to operate. Amtrak is under Congressional mandate to break-even by the year 2002 and we pursuing a balanced strategy of price growth and volume growth in-order to achieve that goal.

Davis and Sacramento, because they are close together, have been common rated; they have had the same fare. This common rating dates back to when the only service on the corridor was with the long-distance trains. The same recalulation process that led to the fare increase February 1st also reduced the Davis fare to reflect the actual shorter distance between Davis and the San Francisco. Passengers from Davis have in fact been over paying and this is a change that we will probably leave in place to reflect to greater local emphasis on the corridor since the arrival of the Capitols."

Amtrak Bus Service

We should continue to monitor the bus situation and report problems to Dick Bush of Amtrak at or and copy Joe Deely at If you have any positive comments regarding service improvements or outstanding bus drivers, please let them know also.

Party Pix

Thanks to John Kinnison for providing pictures from the fall party. Click on the numbers below to view the pictures.
1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 --- 5 --- 6 --- 7 --- 8 --- 9 --- 10 --- 11 --- 12 --- 13 --- 14

CCN Features Computers Commuters on 726

See Amtrak's Train of Thought for a nice article on telecommuting by railroad, featuring people near and dear to us.

A New Web Site

Welcome to the new Capitol Corridor Commuters web site. Many thanks to TrainWeb and its sponsors for hosting this site. Please bookmark this page and visit often.

This site is a work in progress. Please send suggestions to Estelle or Michelle.

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