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501. Block signals govern the use of the blocks, but, unless otherwise provided, do not supersede the superiority of trains; nor dispense with the use or observance of other signals, whenever and wherever they may be required.
502. On any track signalled in one direction the block signals apply only to trains moving with the current of traffic.
503. When absolute signals display STOP indication, unless reason for such indication is apparent, the Train Dispatcher will be notified promptly.
504. On single track within yard limits where Rule 271 is not in effect, trains or engines clearing on tracks not equipped with absolute block signals to govern movement to the main track, must report clear to the Train Dispatcher. Permission must be obtained from the Train Dispatcher to enter the main track from such tracks. Neither switches nor derails may be operated without permission of the Train Dispatcher.
On sidings signalled in both directions, trains or engines having cleared on an inside track of a passing siding will, except where movement from the inside track to the passing siding is governed by signal indication, report clear of passing siding. Trains or engines on an inside track of a passing siding must not enter or foul the passing siding without permission of the Train Dispatcher unless the movement is governed by signal indication.
505. Except as provided by Rule 505-A, before a train or engine enters or fouls a signalled track, or crosses from one signalled track to another through hand-operated switches, employe will open switch or switches necessary for the movement and then wait at the switch or in vicinity of switches for 5 minutes to secure benefit of signal protection. Where crossover is equipped with Center Locking Device, the ground lever located in middle of crossover will operated to vertical position and the employe will then wait 5 minutes before completing operation of ground lever to reverse position. Before proceeding, fusee will be placed in position to be seen by an approaching train.
This rule applies to spring switches when they are hand-operated.
At switches equipped with electric lock, train or engine must not foul main or other signalled track until first obtaining unlock, opening switch and then waiting a time equal to 5 minutes, minus the unlocking time (as posted on or in electric lock). Where unlocking time exceeds 5 minutes, no waiting time is required.
505-A. Waiting time for signal protection will not be required when entering main or other signalled track through hand-operated switches under the following conditions:
(1) | Where Rule 271 or 605 is in effect and signal is provided to govern movement to main or other signalled track; |
(2) | Where signal is provided to govern movement to main track from passing siding in APB territory after rear of train to be met has passed fouling point of siding. |
506. A train or engine having passed entirely out of a block must not back into that block without permission and protection of the Train Dispatcher except: When preceded by a flagman sufficient distance to stop train or engine moving prepared to stop within one-half the range of vision, the train or engine will back by the last signal at least one full car length and wait at least ten minutes before further movement is made.
A reverse movement entirely within a block must not be made until flagman has gone back a sufficient distance to stop a following train or engine moving at Restricted speed.
When rear of movement is standing between absolute signals governing movement over power-operated switches, a reverse movement must not be made without proper signal indication or permission of the Control Operator. If movement over power-operated switches is not governed by signal indication, Rule 509-A (3) will govern.
Rule 506 will not apply where Rule 271 or 605 is in effect.
507. A train or engine having passed a block signal permitting it to proceed, and is delayed in the block, must proceed to the next block signal prepared to stop within one-half the rnage of vision, but not exceeding the speed permitted by last signal. Scheduled passenger trains, making station stops, are not considered as being delayed in the block.
508. A train or engine entering a block where block signal is not provided to govern the movement must proceed at Restricted speed to the next block signal.
509. A train or engine must stop before any part of engine, train or car passes a signal displaying a STOP or STOP AND PROCEED indication. When STOP indication is displayed, it must not proceed except as provided by Rules 509-A, 509-B, 509-C, 509-D, 509-E and 607.
509-A. When STOP indication is displayed on Absolute Block Signal, Conductor or Engineer will secure verbal authority from Train Dispatcher to proceed. Every effort must be made to contact the Train Dispatcher, using any means of communication available. If communications cannot be established, movement must not proceed until Train Dispatcher send written authority to proceed.
(1) | The authority must be repeated to the person from whom received. |
(2) | Where signal governs movement to more than one track, authority to proceed applies only to track designated in the authority. |
(3) | Before moving over power-operated switches, it must be known that all switches are lined for the movement. A member of the crew must remain at power-operated switch (unless dual-control switch has bee secured in hand-throw position or non-dual-control power-operated switch has been spiked) until leading unit or car reaches switch, to give hand signal to stop should the switch change position. After movement reaches first switch in route (where there are other switches) employe must precede movement over remaining switches to be in position to give hand signal to stop should any of the switches change position. |
(4) | Movement must be made at Restricted speed until entire train has passed next signal. |
509-B. When STOP indication is displayed on a CPL signal equipped with a number plate, train or engine will stop and then be governed as follows:
On a track signalled in one direction only the train will proceed at Restricted speed until entire train has passed the next signal.
On a track signalled in both directions, the train may, after stopping, proceed at Restricted speed until entire train has passed the next signal when:
(1) | Authorized to proceed by Train Dispatcher or; |
(2) | Train has been authorized to pass absolute block signal governing movement into the same Absolute Block Section per Rule 509-A or; |
(3) | Train has been authorized by the Train Dispatcher to pass a previous number plate signal within the same Absolute Block Section. |
If authority cannot be obtained as outlined above, the engine or leading car will be moved by the signal at least thirty feet and wait 10 minutes. Movement may then proceed prepared to stop within one-half the range of vision, but not exceeding Restricted speed until entire train has passed the next signal.
509-C. When a train or cars are standing in position to to cause block signal governing movement to the track section in which train or cars are standing to display STOP indication, the signal may be passed to couple to such train or cars under the following conditions, provided the Train Dispatcher understands the movement to be made:
(1) | When an engine is switching cars; |
(2) | When an engine is detached from its own train; |
(3) | When attaching or removing cars from another train. Before starting this movement, an understanding must exist that train standing in block will not be moved during time cars are being attached or removed. |
Movement must be made at Restricted speed and power-operated switches in route must be protected as prescribed in Rule 509-A(3).
This rule will not apply to movements over railroad crossings at grade and where interlocking rules are in effect.
509-D. When a signal of a Remotely Controlled or Automatic Railroad Crossing System displays STOP indication, the movement over the crossing will be governed by special instructions
509-E. When STOP indication is displayed by absolute signal governing movement into other than Automatic Block Signal territory, trains or engines will stop and secure permission of the Train Dispatcher to proceed.
If communication is not available, the train, after stopping, may proceed in accordance with the rules or instructions in effect beyond the signal.
If movement is to be made over power-operated switches, Rule 509-A(3) will apply and movement at Restricted speed will apply to entire train over switches.
510. If a block signal, permitting a train or engine to proceed is changed to display a STOP or STOP-AND-PROCEED indication before it is reached, the Engineer will take immediate action to stop the movement. The occurrence must be reported to the Train Dispatcher. If the train or engine overruns a STOP indication displayed on an absolute block signal governing movement on a track signalled in both directions, the head end must be protected immediately. Whenever a STOP indication on an absolute signal is overrun, authority to proceed must be secured.
511. Both switches of a hand-operated crossover must be properly lined before a train or engine starts to make crossover movement, and the movement must be clear of crossover before either switch is restored to normal position. Hand-operated main track switch or derail of passing siding, spur track or other track must be properly lined before movement is started and must not be restored to normal position until movement is clear and has passed insulated joints at clearance point.
511-A. Signal indication governs movement only to the track for which signals are lined at the time the signal indication is accepted. The indication does not govern movement on that track, or any other track, if switches ahead of train or engine are operated by hand after train or engine has accepted the signal.
512. Trains or cars on passing sidings and other tracks must be left standing clear of the insulated joints at clearance point.
513. Dual-control switches must not be changed to hand-operation without permission of the Train Dispatcher. After obtaining permission, the procedure to hand-operate switch will be as follows:
(1) | Unlock switch lock. |
(2) | Operate selector lever marked "Motor" or "Power" to position marked "Hand". It must be left in this position until all hand-operations of switch have been completed. |
(3) | Operate "Hand-Throw" lever to determine it has engaged and will move switch points. A dual-control switch must not be considered as being in hand-operation until this has been done. Switch may then be operated the same as any other hand-operated switch. |
(4) | When a dual-control switch has been hand-operated, the same employe who operates the switch must restore it to its original position, unless proper arrangements are made otherwise. |
(5) | When necessary to hand-operate a dual control switch for
switching movements, a time limit authority must be obtained
from the Train Dispatcher, and the Engineer notified.
When so notified, the Engineer may accept hand signals from trainman handling switch as authority to pass STOP signals governing movement over that switch only. |
(6) | After movements over switch have been completed, restore switch by hand, then lock selector lever in position marked "Motor" or "Power" and notify Engineer and Train Dispatcher that switch is restored to power-operation. When known in advance that it will not be practical to notify the Engineer, an understanding must exist as to how movements are to be made. |
(7) | Trains and engines, after using a hand-operated dual-control switch, must not proceed except upon proper signal indication or as provided by Rule 509-A. |
514. In foggy or stormy weather, the signals must be approached in such a manner that enginemen and trainmen can see and correctly interpret the indications. When such indications cannot be plainly seen, Rule 27 will apply.
515. Should an improper signal indication permitting a train to proceed be observed, an employe must be properly stationed a sufficient distance to insure full protection and to notify approaching trains that might be affected, until relieved by a Signal Department employe or by instructions from the proper authority. Train Dispatcher must be promptly notified.
Should it be observed that a train or engine fails to actuate signal to display proper indication, such train or engine must be stopped immediately and proper protection provided. On a track signalled in both directions, the head end must also be protected immediately after learning of the circumstances. All trains and engines must regard the defective signal as displaying the most restrictive indication it can display and report the circumstances to the Train Dispatcher by quickest available means of communication.
A detached single car, or light equipment, may under certain conditions fail to actuate the block signals, highway flasher signals, or crossing gates. Trains or engines occupying rusty rails, rails covered with sand, earth, oil or other matter, may also fail to shunt the track circuits. Employes must be especially vigilant to detect and report such conditions and must, unless otherwise instructed by the Train Dispatcher, provide proper protection.
516. When a train or engine having accepted an absolute block signal indication permitting it to proceed stops so close to the signal that the indication cannot be distinctly determined, or cab of engine stops less than thirty feet beyond the signal, it must not again proceed without observing that the signal displays an indication to proceed or on permission of the Train Dispatcher.
517. When an engine is switching cars, picking up or setting of cars at a point where the movement is governed by signal indication or Rule 509-C, sufficient room will be provided when practical to do so, for the engine to be behind the leaving signal and properly observe the signal indication displayed when recoupled to the train. Such train or engine must not proceed except by proper signal indication or as prescribed by Rule 509-A unless Rule 277 is in effect and cab of engine is at least 30 feet beyond signal.
518. Train orders or special instructions will be issued when signals are to be placed in or removed from service. Arms will not be placed on semaphores nor lights displayed in signals until they are in service. After being so placed they must be regarded as being in service, whether such instructions have been issued or not.
519. When repairs are being made on hand-operated, spring or power-operated switches, or if they are disconnected, the block signals governing movement over such switches must be displayed to protect them and the switch points secured or blocked for proper route before a train or engine is permitted to proceed.
Typical Bracket Post Signals | Interlocking Rules |