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Block.- In Automatic Block Territory, the length of track between two signals in the same direction, the use of which by trains or engines is governed by an automatic block or interlocking signal.
In Manual Block Territory, the length of track between designated points or between open train order offices, the condition of which will be given as prescribed by the rules.
Absolute Permissive Block (APB) System.- An automatic block signal system for a track signalled in both directions on which a train or engine causes STOP indication to be displayed on next opposing absolute block signal and STOP or STOP AND PROCEED on signal in rear of train. Signal indications do not supersede the superiority of trains, therefore, Timetable or Train Order authority is required.
Absolute Block.- A section of track which may be occupied by only one train or engine at a time.
Absolute Block Section.- The section of track between opposing Absolute Block Signals, at least one block in length, on a track signalled in both directions.
Automatic Block Signal System.- A series of consecutive blocks governed by block signals, actuated by a train, engine, or by certain conditions affecting the use of a block.
Manual Block System.- A system used for the blocking of trains moving in the same direction and for which Manual Block rules are in effect.
Automatic Railroad Crossing System.- An arrangement of fixed signals and signal appliances so interconnected that the movement of trains or engines over the crossing are automatically controlled.
Traffic Control System (TCS).- An automiatic block signal system under which trains or engines are operated in either direction on one or more tracks under Rule 271.
Single Direction Signal System (SDSS).- An automatic block signal system under which trains or engines are operated with the current of traffic under Rule D-251.
Division.- A portion of a railway or railroad designated by timetable.
Subdivision.- A portion of a division designated by timetable.
Engine.- A unit propelled by any form of energy, or a combination of such units operated from a single control, used in train or yard service.
Interlocking.- An arrangement of fixed signals and signal appliances so interconnected that their movements must succeed each other in proper sequence and for which interlocking rules are in effect.
Interlocking Limits.- The tracks between the opposing absolute signals governing entrance to an interlocking.
Pilot.- An employe assigned to a train when the Engineer or Conductor, or both, are not fully acquainted with the physical characteristics or rules of the railroad, or portion of the railroad, over which the train is to be moved.
Signal Aspect.- The appearance of a fixed signal conveying an indication, as seen from the direction of an approaching train or engine.
Signal Indication.- The information conveyed by the aspect of a signal.
Absolute Signal.- A block or interlocking signal without a number plate, the most restrictive indication of which is STOP.
Block Signal.- A fixed signal at the entrance of a block to govern trains and engines entering and using that block.
Interlocking Signal.- A fixed signal of an interlocking.
Color Position Light (CPL) Signal.- A fixed signal in which the indcations are given by color and the position of two or more lights. It consists of a cluster of lights normally displayed in pairs. For some indications, marker lights are displayed above or below the main cluster to qualify the meaning.
Fixed Signal.- A signal of fixed location indicating a condition affecting the movement of a train or engine.
Maximum Authorized Speed.- The maximum speed authorized by special instructions, for a subdivision or a portion of a subdivision.
Limited Speed.- A speed not exceeding 45 miles per hour.
Medium Speed.- One-half maximum authorized speed, but not exceeding 30 miles per hour.
Slow Speed.- One-half maximum authorized speed, but not exceeding 15 miles per hour.
Restricted Speed.- Proceed prepared to stop short of train, obstruction, or anything that might require the speed to be reduced, but not exceeding 15 miles per hour.
Station.- A place designated by name on the timetable, or by special instructions, or a designated place at which a train may stop for traffic, or to enter or leave the main track.
Dual - Control Switch.- A power-operated switch which is also equipped with hand-throw lever for hand operation.
Electrically-Locked Switch.- A hand-operated switch equipped with an electrically-operated locking appliance.
Spring Switch.- A switch equipped with a spring mechanism arrange to restore the switch points to normal position after having been trailed through.
Timetable.- The authority for movement of trains subject to the rules. It may contain classified schedules with special instructions relating to the movement of trains, engines, equipment, and other essential information.
Schedule.- That part of a timetable which prescribes class, direction, number and movement for a regular train.
Current of Traffic.- The movement of trains on a main track, in one direction, specified by the rules.
Main Track.- One or more than one track designated by special instructions extending through yards and between stations, upon which trains are operated by timetable, train orders, block signals, interlocking signals, rules or special instructions, and under the supervision of the Train Dispatcher unless otherwise provided.
Passing Siding.- A track auxiliary to the main track designated by special instructions for meeting or passing trains.
Train.- An engine or more than one engine coupled, with or without cars, displaying markers.
Extra Train.- A train not authorized by a timetable schedule. It may be designated as, EXTRA or WORK EXTRA.
Regular Train.- A train authorized by a timetable schedule.
Superior Train.- A train having precedence over another train.
Train of Superior Right.- A train given precedence by train order.
Train of Superior Class.- A train given precedence by timetable.
Train of Superior Direction.- A train given precedence in the direction specified by time table as between opposing trains of the same class.
Train Register.- A book or form which may be used at designated stations for registering the time of arrival and departure of trains and such other information as may be prescribed.
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