This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/central-md.
703. Where switch is equipped with electric lock, trains or engines on main or other signalled track may enter non-signalled track without permission when locking appliance is unlocked.
703-A. Where switch is equipped with electric lock, no attempt must be made to to obtain unlock to enter main or other signalled track, or cross over from one such track to another, without first securing authority of the Train Dispatcher.
703-B. Where unlocking track sections are provided, train or engine on main or other signalled track must occupy the portion of that track immediately ahead of switch to obtain unlock.
703-C. When a switch cannot be unlocked through proper manipulation, the Train DIspatcher may authorize Conductor or Engineer to break the seal and manipulate emergency release, where provided. The Train Dispatcher must notify proper SIgnal Department authority of such occurence.
Use of Spring Switches | Use of Hand-Operated Crossover Equipped With Center Locking Device |