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    1650. Foremen shall report and receive instructions from the Supervisor of their department.

    1651. They shall be responsible for the proper inspection and safe condition of the track and roadway and structures under their charge, and shall do no work thereon that will interfere with the safe passage of trains, except under proper protection.

    They shall conform to the prescribed standards and plans in the execution of work under their charge.

    They shall keep themselves informed in regard to all work performed on their districts by contractors, or others who do not come under their charge, and see that nothing is done by them that will interfere with the safety of the track or the movement of trains.

    1652. If, in the judgement of the Foreman, the track or any bridge, culvert, or structure is not safe, he must at once provide proper flag protection to warn approaching trains, notify the proper authority, including the Train Dispatcher, of its condition, and do all in his power to make necessary repairs.

    The Train Dispatcher must be fully advised of the situation, requesting him to issue slow orders reducing speed as may be necessary to insure safety.

    The acknowledgement of the Train Dispatcher's proper understanding must be secured, and proper flag protection must be provided until assured that all trains that may have been affected have been notified. Temporary Speed Limit Signs must be put up as soon as practicable, and the Chief Train Dispatcher so advised. A supply of flagging instruction forms properly filled out and signed by the Foreman will be furnished the flagman as soon as practicable.

    1653. When repairs, renewals, or changes in track or structures which will require reduced speed are to be made, arrangements for necessary slow order will be made in advance. It must be known that slow order (bulletin where authorized to be used) has been issued and Temporary Speed Limit Signs are in place before track or structures have been made unsafe. A sufficient supply of flagging instruction forms properly filled out and signed by the Foreman will be furnished flagmen.

    Except in emergency, work requiring flag protection must not be done during dense fog or severe storms.

    1654. They are responsible for proper flag protection. They must see that employes selected as flagmen are reliable, able to read and write and understand the rules and flagging instructions. Foremen must keep a supply of flagging instruction forms on hand.

    1655. When a flagman with proper flagging appliances has stationed himself a sufficient distance to insure full protection, he must place two torpedoes on the track approximately 80 feet apart on the Engineer's side of the track, stop all trains and deliever in person a copy of written flagging instructions. When necessary he will explain by word of mouth to the Engineer the condition of track under flag protection. Flagmen must repeat the stop signals until answered by the Engineer by two short and one long sound of the engine whistle. After each train flagged proceeds, the flagman must immediately replaces the torpedoes.

    Foremen in charge of track under flag protection must watch and listen for approaching trains and station themselves apart from their forces when giving hand signals so that they may be properly seen and understood by train crews.

    When two or more gangs are working on a territory under flag protection, each Foreman must have a thorough understanding with the other (or others) as to which foreman will authorize and arrange for proper hand signals for trains to pass over track under flag protection.

    1656. Foremen must comply with Rule 2 and compare time as often as practicable with a standard clock, secure standard time by wire or telephone, or compare time daily with Conductor or Engineer.

    1657. They will take proper care of all material, tools and machines and see that they are properly stored and placed where they will not endanger employes or the operation of trains, and keep their section in a neat and orderly condition.

    1658. They must supervise the work of crossing and bluff watchmen and see that they are properly equipped to perform their duties, and that they fully understand their work, and know the flagging rules.

    1659. They must be familiar with the boundaries of the railroad right of way and real estate holdings and permit no unauthorized encroachments upon the right of way or overhead, and report same promptly to the proper authority.

    1660. During heavy storms or abnormal weather conditions, whether by day or night, they and the necessary trackmen must remain on duty as long as may be necessary or until relieved.

    They must detail to each trackman a definite portion of the road to patrol, so that his entire section will be protected, the foreman proceeding to that portion of his section most liable to damamge.

    They must see that each trackman is provided with porper flagging signals and instruct him as to their use. They must instruct each trackman to carefully patrol the portion of road assigned to him, inspecting the track, bridges, culverts, embankments, slopes of cuts, buildings and any other portion of the Company's property liable to damage. Sharp lookout must be kep for evidence of washing out of the ballast and roadbed under the tracks, the accumulation of drift at bridges and culverts, the undermining of the masonry, the cutting into and sloughing off embankments, the sliding in of earth and rock from slopes and any damage to buildings, communication and signal lines and other structures.

    1661. Foremen must avoid delaying trains unnecessarily and must report any violation of slow orders or flagging instructions by enginemen.

    1662. They must not permit their switch key to pass out of their possession. They are personally responsible for the opening and closing of switches used by their men, and must know they are left in proper position and secured.

    1663. They must render a report when livestock is killed or injured on the right of way, giving full details and owner's name. When fires occur on adjoining property, they will notify the Superintendent immediately by quickest available means of communication so that he can notify the proper fire warden or other state, municipal or county officer responsible for protection against damage from this source.

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