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201. For movements not provided for by rule, timetable schedule, or special instructions, train orders will be issued by authority and orver the signature of the Chief Train Dispatcher and only contain information or instructions essential to such movements.
They must be brief and clear; in the prescribed forms when applicable; and without erasure, alteration, or interlineation.
Words and figures in train orders must not be surrounded by brackets, circles, or other characters.
202. Each train order must be given in the same words to all employes or trains addressed. The information required by Train Order Form L may be given to one train and withheld from another when the other train is not affected by the information withheld.
203. Train orders must be numbered consecutively each day, beginning at midnight. Where more than one dispatching district is operated on a division, train order numbers on each district must differ; for example, one district beginning with No.1, another district No. 201, etc.
204. Train orders must be addressed to those who are to execute them, naming the place at which each is to receive his copy. Those to a train must be address to the Conductor and Engineer, and also to anyone who acts as its pilot. When train orders are to delivered to yard engines, they will be addressed "C & E Yard Engine 5016" or "Yardmaster". A copy for each employe addressed must be supplied by the operator.
Orders addressed to Operators or Yardmasters restricting the movement of trains or engines must be respected by Conductors and Engineers the same as if addressed to them.
205. Each train order must be written in full in ink, without erasure, alteration or interlineation in a book provided for the purpose in the office of the Train Dispatcher; and with it, recorded the information required by the rules and the train order book. These records must be made at once and never from memory or memoranda. Additions to train orders must not be made after they have been made complete.
206. In train orders, regular trains will be designated by number as "No. 10", adding the engine number when known.
Extra trains will be designated by engine number and the direction, as "Extra 798 East (or West)". Work extras will be designated by engine numbers, as "Work Extra 798", except when the order affects the work extra in one direction only, such as in meet or wait orders, the direction will be added. For movement of an engine of another company, the initials will precede the engine number, as "Extra RL 5801 East (or West)".
When diesel units are operated in multiple service, the number of the leading unit only will be designated in train orders, except that when operated as work extra or when direction will be reversed during a trip, the unit or units from which engine will be operated will be named.
In transmitting train orders, time will be stated in figures.
All stations and numerals in the address and body of an order must be first plainly announced and then spelled, letter by letter, thus: Aurora, A-u-r-o-r-a, and One O Five, O-n-e O F-i-v-e. The letters duplicating names of stations and numerals will not be written in the order book nor upon train orders.
The Train Dispatcher will write the order as he transmits it and underscore each word and figure in the address and body of the order as repeated by each Operator. Train orders that are to be reissued may be re-copied on manifold and in train order book in advance.
207. To transmit a train order, the signal "Red" or "Yellow" followed by the direction must be given to each office addressed, stating the number of copies to be made.
The Train Dispatcher must not transmit the train order until the Operator has given "Red" or "Yellow" response with the direction, indicating proper train order signal indication displayed, except at stations where train order signals are not provided, or for orders not requiring display of train order signal. At an office not equipped with a train order signal, the Operator will respond "NS".
208. A train order to be sent to two or more offices must be transmitted simultaneously to as many of them as practicable. When not sent simultaneously to all, the order must be sent first to the superior train.
208-A. The several addresses must be in order of superiority of trains, each office taking its proper address, and must, except in Automatic Block Signal territory, include the Operator at the meeting or waiting point if office is open, otherwise at the nearest open office on each side.
Copies of order addressed to the Operator at the meeting or waiting point must be delivered to the trains affected until all have arrived from one direction.
208-B. A train order restricting the movement of a train must not be issued for it at the pointwhere such movement is restricted if it can be avoided. When so sent, the fact wil be stated in the order, by adding the words ". . . gets this order at . . .", special precautions must be take to insure safety, and the train will be brought to a stop before delivery is made. The Train Dispatcher will record in train order book the special precautions which are taken.
When the point of restriction is at an initial station, points where trains are required to comply with Rule 83-A, or where a controlled absolute block signal is available the fact need not be stated in the order.
208-C. A train advanced to a station where the opposing train receives the order at the meeting point must approach that station expecting to find the train receiving the order on the main track unless otherwise directed. Where conditions require, the train advanced must protect against the opposing train.
208-D. Except in Automatic Block Signal territory, a train order restricting the superiority of a train at a point, other than an open train order station, must not be sent to a train at the office located at the entrance to the track section in which the train is restricted, if it can be avoided.
When so sent, the train being restricted will be brought to a stop before deliver of the order.
209. Operators receiving orders must write or typewrite them in manifold during transmission.
If typewritten, capital letters must be used and the impression clear and legible.
209-A. If the required number of copies cannot be made in one writing, the must make others from the original copy and repeat to the Train Dispatcher from the new copies each time additional copies are made. If the new copy has been correctly repeated, the Train Dispatcher will give "Complete" and record the time of repetition and initials of Operators repeating the order.
209-B. Operators must retain a copy of each train order. The time completed and the signature of the Operator must be in his handwriting.
209-C. When an error has been made in transmitting a train order before the order has been repeated, the Train Dispatcher will direct the Operator to immediately destroy all manifold copies, and issue the order under another number. If any part of the order has been repeated, the order must be annulled to all stations addressed.
210. When a train order has been transmitted, Operators must, unless otherwise directed, repeat it at once from the manifold copy, in the succession in which the several offices have been addressed.
Each Operator receiving the order must observe whether the others repeat correctly.
When the order has been repeated correctly, the response "Complete" and the time, with the initials of the Chief Train Dispatcher, will be given by the Train Dispatcher. The Operator will then give his initials and office call.
The Operator receiving this response will then write in the space provided, the time completed and his last name in full, and deliver a copy to each person addressed.
When necessary for a train order to copied by a member of crew, only the Conductor or Engineer is authorized to copy the order. The requirements of repeating, completing and acknowledging the order must be complied with.
When a train order is to issued to a train via radio, the train must be stopped before the order is issued.
210-A. The required copies of train orders must be delivered to the front and rear of trains. The Train Dispatcher and Operator are responsible for proper delivery of all orders addressed to a train, except when delivered by a member of the train or engine crew, or Yardmaster.
210-B. Engineers must show train orders to other employes on the engine. Conductors must show train orders when practicable to trainmen. Trainmen and other employes are required to read the orders aloud, acknowledge their understanding and remind Engineers and Conductors of their contents when practicable to do so.
211. A train order must not be removed from the manifold pad until the order is recorded on Clearance Form A and checked with the Train Dispatcher for delivery to each train addressed or until order is annulled, except typewritten orders, which must be again attached to pad after writing. More than one order on the same manifold pad at the same time is prohibited.
211-A. Clearance Form A must be filled out, without erasure, alteration or interlineation by the Operator before clearing a train, showing thereon the total number of train orders and messages, if any, and the number of each train order for delivery to the train. He will then repeat from Clearance Form A to the Train Dispatcher the information shown thereon. The Train Dispatcher will make the required entry in the train order book. If the Operator has correctly repeated the numbers of all train orders for the train being cleared, he will respond by giving "OK", the time, and the initials of the Chief Train Dispatcher, which the Operator will endorse on the Clearance Form A. The Train Dispatcher will record this time in proper column in the train order book.
When Clearance Form A is issued and there are no orders, the Train Dispatcher will record the office call, the train, the time, and the Operator's initials, in proper column in train order book with notiation "no orders". When Clearance Form A is issued as provided in Rule S-241, the designated subdivision will be recorded in addition.
Except for authority to occupy a subdivision where RUle S-241 is in effect, if communication fails before Clearance Form A has been OK'd by the Train Dispatcher, and "Complete" has been given for all orders held by a train, the Operator may deliver such orders accompanied by Clearance Form A. Notation, "Communication has failed", will be added in lieu of Chief Train Dispatcher's initials which will be acted upon as though "OK" had been given in the usual way.When communication is restored, Operator will notify Train Dispatcher of each train cleared, the time, and the numbers of the orders delivered, which the Train Dispatcher will record in the train order book.
211-B. Clearance Form A must be delivered allong with all train orders to each person addressed. Conductors and Engineers must, and when practicable trainmen will, see that Clearance Form A is properly addressed and the information shown thereon corresponds with the train orders received.
If necessary to issue a second Clearance Form A, the original Clearance Form A must be destroyed if practicable. The second Clearance Form A must show the numbers of all train orders delivered to the train. Operators will retain a copy of each Clearance Form A.
213. "Complete" must not be given to a train order for delivery to an inferior until the order has been made complete to the Operator who receives the order for the superior train.
214. When a train order ha been repeated, and before "Complete" has been given, the order must be treated as a holding order for the train addressed, but must not otherwise be acted on until "Complete" has been given.
If the means of communication fails before an office has repeated an order, the order at that office is of no effect and must be there treated as if it had not been sent.
215. When a train order is to be used to protect a train, engine, MofW equipment or condition and the order cannot be placed at an open train order office, such order will be addressed to "Dispatcher", made complete in the usual manner and notation made on the order "Dispatcher protect". When so addressed, trains and engines will not be authorized to enter the territory affected until they have received a copy of the order.
216. When the Train Dispatcher issue a train order that is to be delivered to a train by the Dispatcher, a carbon impression must be made in the train order book at the time the order is written. If later, the order is to be sent to another office, it will be transmitted from the copy in the book, making record as prescribed by Rule 205. The requirements for delivery are the same as at other offices.
217. A train order to be delivered to a train at a point not a train order office or at which the office is closed, must be addressed to "C & E . . . at (or between) . . . , care of . . .", and forwarded and delivered by the Engineer or other person in whose care it is address and who is responsible for its delivery.
The numbers of such train orders must be shown in the usual manner on Clearance Form A of the train making delivery, and on a separate Clearance Form A for the train addressed.
When the superiority of a train is thereby restricted, "Complete" must not be given to a train order for an inferior train until the Train Dispatcher has received advice that the train order has been delivered to the Conductor and Engineer of the superior train.
219. An Operator must not repeat a train order restricting the movement of a train which has been cleared, or of which the engine has passed his trian order signal in proceed position, until he has read the order to and the order has been repeated by the Engineer.
220. Train orders once in effect continue so until fulfilled, superseded or annulled. Any part of an order specifying a particular movement may be superseded. A portion of a train order must not be annulled.
Train orders affecting the movement of trains such as slow orders, work orders, equipment restrictions, etc., must, unless superseded or annulled, be retained and observed on all trips during the tour of duty on which orders are received. Such orders when held by a regular train which loses its right and schedule by becoming more than twelve hours late and is authorized to proceed as provided by Rule 82 will be observed when authorized by a train order reading: "Retain and observe orders Nos. .........."
When a Conductor or Engineer, or both, is relieved before the completion of a trip, all train orders and instructions held must be delivered to the relieving Conductor or Engineer. Such orders or instructions must be compared by the Conductor and Engineer before proceeding.
221. Unless otherwise provided, a fixed train order signal must be used at each train order office, which shall display signal indications as follows:
STOP | When trains are to be stopped for orders. | |
RECEIVE ORDERS | When orders are to be handed on without stopping the train. | |
PROCEED | When there are no orders. |
Train order signals do not apply to engines working within yard limits.
Where two position train order signals are used, RECEIVE ORDERS indication will not be displayed.
Two position train order signals displayed to indicate STOP may be passed to receive orders or Clearance Form A on hand signal given by Operator when authorized by the Train Dispatcher. Such hand signals must not be given when Operator holds train order requiring train to be stopped for delivery.
221-A. When train order signal is displayed to indicate orders, train must receive Clearance Form A before passing, except when authorized by the Train Dispatcher and timetable or train order authority permits, the operator may permit a train to pass train order signal to be passed by another train at his station or to perform station work. Train so authorized must not leave without Clearance Form A. Unless otherwise provided, train order signals will be displayed only as instructed by the Train Dispatcher. When displayed for orders, the signal must not be changed to a less restrictive indication until all orders have been delivered or annulled except as authorized by Form T train order.
221-B. Train order signal displayed to indicate orders will be acknowledged by one short and two long sounds of the engine whistle as prescribed by Rule 14-O.
When such indication has been acknowledged, and there are no orders for the train, Clearance Form A must be issued accordingly. When indication other than PROCEED is displayed, train must not leave without Clearance Form A.
221-C. Operators must observe, as far as practicable, whether the indications of the train order signals correspond with the position of the levers.
Should the train order signal fail to work properly, red flags, fusees and torpedoes must be used, if necessary.
223. The following signals and abbreviations may be used:
Initials for the signature of the Chief Train Dispatcher.
The usual abbreviations for names of months such as Jan., Feb., etc., and authorized abbreviations for stations.
C & E-Conductor and Engineer
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Train Rules | Train Order Signal Aspects and Indications | ![]() |