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OPS Sessions

Welcome to the CIOR's Operating Sessions page. This page will give you information on the CIOR's operating sessions!

So, you want to operate on the CIOR's Dunreith District? It is pretty simple to do. If you live local to Central Indiana your only a hour or so away.
Indianapolis is an hour from Downtown
Fort Wayne is an hour from the southside
Cincinnati is roughly a 2 hour drive

So what is needed to be a operator on the CIOR.

If you want to be a REGULAR operator on the CIOR
-You will need to pay the $20 to purchase a radio headset. Each regular operator has their own radio headset (for sanitation purposes). One you buy it, its yours!
-You will need to bring a Digitrax Radio throttle. Or if you have a DT300 or DT400 that will work, but prefer the radio for ops reasons. The CIOR has a limited number of radio throttles, so that is first come first serve on that too, if you don't have your own.
-A SENSE OF HUMOR! The regular operators and I are all humor people. If you can't laugh and have a good time, then I don't think the CIOR is for you. We don't take this stuff too serious, its a HOBBY, not a job. Many of the regulars on the CIOR are former railroaders, so its just for fun! Your not allowed to look down or belittle ANYONE. Its a hobby and I am a firm believer in we all had to start somewhere!
-BYOD- "Bring Your Own Drink". If you like to drink different types of Soda, then I suggest bringing that. We don't drink alcohol here, do don't bring that! Normal drinks on the property during ops sessions are Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew, Sprite and Water.

If you want to be a GUEST operator on the CIOR
-If you have Digitrax Radio throttles, bring yours! If not we will try and get you a throttle. I understand not everyone uses Digitrax!
-Bring a SENSE OF HUMOR! Like above, same applies to guest! We have them and expect you to, too!
-Bring your own drink, listed above is the same below!

My policies:
I believe in having fun. We as a group tend not to take things TOO seriously, its just a hobby and we all like to have fun. Accidents happen. I do not have a "HANDS OFF" policy, but I do ask you respect the CIOR and the stuff on and around the layout.
Treat others how you want to be treated. This is rule #1 with me. We joke and have fun, that is what life is about. I make it clear to all my operators that we had to start somewhere and most of us has very humble beginnings. Never belittle anyone. If they don't understand something, EXPLAIN it to them. You had to learn it somewhere, so pass what someone taught you along!
Never, NEVER be afraid to ask a question. That is how you learn and I feel that its our duty to teach one another!
Finally, just have a good time and run some trains!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: "Can I bring my locomotives to your layout?"
A: "Yes, but there are some rules!: The locomotive must have a digitrax decoder (or any decoder), must be able to be reprogrammed in case it shares an address.
and the biggest issue, you can't be afraid for it to get broken! I am not responsible for your engines. Accident can and will happen, and if you bring your locomotive, understand that!"

Q: "Can I bring freight/passenger cars?"
A: "Yes, but generally NO. The cars must be equipped with resistor wheelsets for the detection system on the railroad to see them. If they are not, then NO." (added info) "If you are going to be a regular operator and would like to run your stuff, then we can add the resistor wheelsets to your cars. Cost is $2 per car to do it!"

Q: "What if I break something?"
A: "Pretty simple, I just ask you do the stand up thing and offer to pay for it. Most stuff I am not worried about, but there are things that need to be taken care of. No, I am not an oger about it, but I ask you do the right thing!"

Q: "Have you ever banned anyone?"
A: "Not yet, but I am not ABOVE it. If you make a habit of belittling or make fun of others, then I won't tolerate that. If your (as my grandfather said) to big for your britches, then don't bother coming!"

So, as you can see the CIOR is just a normal railroad to run on. We have fun and expect you to do the same. If your still interested in operation on the CIOR's Dunreith District then send me an email
just remove REMOVE and you have it.
In the Subject line, write "OPERATING" and then tell me about yourself, location and why you want to run!
I will get back with you soon!
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