Rails to Raleigh

Auction / White Elephant

Join your fellow modelers Saturday evening after the Banquet (approximately 9:00pm) for a lively consignment auction led by auctioneer Bob Charles. This is your opportunity to pickup some of those old, hard to get items that you may have been looking for (or just grab a bargain).

Items may be consigned for the auction starting at 8:00am Saturday morning at the staging area (Reynolds Room), and ending at 3:00pm on Saturday. Please note that items having a value of $10.00 or less must be combined or placed in the White Elephant sale.

Consignment items having a value of less than $10.00 will be for sale at the White Elephant table up to 3:00pm Saturday on a first come, first served basis so be sure to check what is available on a periodic basis or you may lose out. Items of any value can be sold at the White Elephant table. White Elephant items with a value of $10.00 or more not sold by 3:00pm Saturday can be entered in the Auction.

Note: All auction consignments and sales are subject to the MER Auction Rules (below).

MER Auction Rules

  1. Lot Registration Forms will be available only at the Auction Registration Room.

  2. All buyers and sellers MUST be registered at the convention.

  3. No minimum bid is required. However, all items (lots) registered in the auction must have a value of at least $10.00. Items of lesser value must be combined or batched together with other items to equate to a minimum $10.00 bid.

  4. Sellers will be given tags for each lot. Your convention registration number is your auction identification number to be used both as an auction seller and buyer. Label each item with a tag describing the item briefly and accurately. Be sure to include the manufacturer, age, wear and condition of each lot.

  5. A fee of 10% will be charged on all sales. The minimum commission charged will be $1.00.

  6. Unsold items will be returned to the seller at no charge.

  7. Sellers may lower their minimum bid at any time, but not below a minimum of $10.00.

  8. Terms of payment are cash or check; credit cards are not accepted. Checks are to be made payable to the Mid-Eastern Region, NMRA.

  9. Buyers must pick up and pay for their items at the end of the auction on Saturday evening. Buyers may pay for their items prior to the end of the auction. However, it will make the auction crew's job easier if buyers wait until the end of the auction to pay for their items.

  10. Sellers will be paid on Sunday morning beginning at 8:00am. If you are both a buyer and a seller, you may choose to handle both transactions on Sunday morning or pay for your purchases on Saturday night and receive your payment on Sunday morning. You may pick up unsold items at the end of the auction on Saturday evening or on Sunday morning when you receive payment.

  11. The auction room will open on Sunday morning at 8:00am and will remain open until 9:00am or until everyone waiting has been served. Please plan to be present by 9:00am so that we can conclude the auction process, and your volunteers can enjoy the rest of the convention.

  12. No private sales are permitted in the auction room. Unclaimed goods become the property of the MER.

For more information or if you have questions please contact auctioneer Bob Charles at RCharles@aol.com .

Note: modelers wishing to sell their personal model railroad items may also purchase a table at the Train Show. Contact John Janosko at johnajan@earthlink.net .


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October 23, 2005


John M. Wallis ( Email to John )

This page and all contents are Copyright 2005 by the Carolina Piedmont Division 13, NMRA MER.
(CPD13 is a Not-For-Profit Corporation incorporated in North Carolina.)
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