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CP 15







Built by : CLC

Built in : 1958

Serial Number : 2993

Class : HS-5b

Paint Scheme : Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme

This Photo : James A. Brown, 1964


Other Photos (chronological) :

1. CP 15 at Victoria, B.C., painted in the Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme. Photo by Bob Loat, 1966. From the Bill Sanderson collection;

2. Ex-CP 15 at Canal Flats, B.C.,  painted in the Ex-Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme. Photo by Gord Smith, 1988;

3. Ex-CP 15 aat Canal Flats, B.C.,  painted in the Ex-Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme. Photo by Gord Smith, 1988;

4. Ex-CP 15 at Fort Steele, B.C., on display, painted in the Ex-Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme. Photo by Mark Johnson, 2005.


Paint Data : Maroon/Grey "Block"


Notes : Built by CLC (1/1958). Sold to Kennard & Elithorpe, Pecten AB. (9/26/1969), and renumbered to Kennard & Elithorpe #25. Sold to Crestbrook Forest Industries (1/1978). On static display at Fort Steele Heritage Park, Fort Steele, B.C. Scrapped (2010).




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