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GP38-2 SOO 4405 |
Built by : EMD Built in : 1977 as SOO 795 Serial Number : 777020-6 Class : N/A Paint Scheme : SOO Red/White This Photo : Roger Bee, 1995. From the Bill Sanderson collection.
Other Photos (chronological) : 1. SOO 795 at Stevens Point, WI., painted in the SOO Red/White paint scheme. Photo by J.W. Stubblefield, 1979. From the Bill Sanderson collectiom; 2. SOO 4405 at Fond Du Lac, WI., painted in the SOO Red/White paint scheme. Photo by A. Vanier, 1982. From the E.D. Motis collection; 3. SOO 4405 at Neenah, WI., painted in the SOO Red/White paint scheme. Photo by Thomas A. Wilson, 1985. From the Bill sanderson collection; 4. SOO 4405 at Winnipeg, MB., painted in the SOO Red/White paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2011.
Notes : Built by EMD as SOO GP38-2 #795 (9/1977). Renumbered to SOO #4405 (1978). Rebuit by NRE, SIlvis, IL. and renumbered to CP #4405 (2017). ___________________________________________________________________________________________