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CP 5000







Built by : GMD

Built in : 1963 as CP 8200

Serial Number : A 2006

Class : DRS-22a

Paint Scheme : CP Rail no-Multimark

This Photo : Claude Prutton, 1988


Other Photos (chronological) :

1. CP 8200 at Toronto, ON., painted in the Maroon & Grey "Script" paint scheme. Photo by D.W. Hately, 1965. From the Bill Sanderson collection;

2. CP 5000 at Toronto, ON., painted in the Maroon & Grey "Script" paint scheme. Photo by Bruce Chapman, 1965. From the Bill Sanderson collection;

3. CP 5000 at Toronto, ON., painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Ron Visockis, 1973;

4. CP 5000 at Montreal, QC., painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Ron Visockis, 1974;

5. CP 5000 at Toronto, ON., painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Wayne Schenk, 1979. From the Bill Sanderson collection;

6. CP 5000 at Montreal, QC., painted in the CP Rail Small Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Ron Visockis, 1982;

7. CP 5000 at Edmonton, AB., painted in the CP Rail no-Multimark paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018;

8. CP 5000 at Edmonton, AB., painted in the CP Rail no-Multimark paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018;

9. CP 5000 at Edmonton, AB., painted in the CP Rail no-Multimark paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018.



Notes : Built by GMD as #8200 (1963). Renumbered to #5000 (1965). Retired (6/1998). Donated to Canadian Rockies Railroad Museum (11/1998). Purchased from CP by the Canadian Rockies Railroad Museum Foundation (3/2006). Then transferred to the Alberta Railway Museum, Edmonton AB.




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