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RS-23 CP 8034 |
CP 8034 AT ST. JOHN, NB.
Built by : MLW Built in : 1960 Serial Number : 83296 Class : DRS-10d Paint Scheme : CP Rail Multimark This Photo : D. Stowe, 1992. From the E.D. Motis collection.
Other Photos (chronological) : 1. CP 8034 at St. John, NB., painted in the CP Rail Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Bill Bainbridge, 1975. From the Bill Sanderson collection; 2. CP 8034 at Smiths Falls, ON., painted in the CP Rail Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Bill Sanderson, 1995.
Notes : Built by MLW (1960), retired (1995). Sold to Windsor & Hantsport Railway (9/1995), became WHRC #8034. Scrapped at Windsor, NS. (5/2006). ___________________________________________________________________________________________