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CP 9006







Built by : Ottawa Car Co.

Delivered in :1931

Serial Number :

Paint Scheme : CP Maroon/Gold

This Photo : Photographer unknown, 1950's. From the Bill Sanderson collection.


Other Photos : none


Notes : Built by Ottawa Car Co. as CP #49 (8/1931), with a 75 Hp. EMC engine. Renumbered to CP #9006 (7/1933). Fire dameged (1934). Had a 400 Hp. Harland & Wolff diesel engine installed (1935), to be believed the first Diesel unit on CPR. Baggage/Mail Combine with passenger section. Unit seated 50 passengers and weighed 142,000 Lbs. (152.000 Lbs with diesel engine). Scrapped at Angus shops, Montreal, QC. (11/12/1957).




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