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SD90MAC CP 9143 |
Built by : GMD/CP Delivered in :1999 Serial Number : 976842-44 Class : DRF-43 Paint Scheme : CPR Beaver This Photo : Mark Forseille, 2002
Other Photos (chronological) : 1. CP 9143 at Winnipeg, MB., painted in the CPR Beaver paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2010 2. CP 9143 at Winnipeg, MB., painted in the CPR Beaver paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018; 3. CP 9143 at Winnipeg, MB., painted in the CPR Beaver paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018; 4. CP 9143 at Winnipeg, MB., painted in the CPR Beaver paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018; 5. CP 9143 at Winnipeg, MB., painted in the CPR Beaver paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018; 6. CP 7028 at Smiths Falls, ON., painted in the CPR Beaver II paint scheme. Photo by Bob Heathorn, date unknown.
Notes : Rebuilt by Progress Rail (2019), became SD70ACu #7028. ___________________________________________________________________________________________