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IC&E 6102







Built by : EMD

Built in : 1966

Serial Number : 32412

Class : N/A

Paint Scheme : Ex-Montana Rail Link

This Photo : Joe Ferguson, 2008. From the Bill Sanderson collection.


Other Photos (chronological) :

1. HLCX 3065 at Smiths Falls, ON., painted in the Ex-UP Yellow/Grey paint scheme, lettered HLCX. Photo by Bob Heathorn, 1994. From the Bill Sanderson collection;

2. IMRL 208 at Kansas City, MO, painted in the Ex-UP Yellow/Grey paint scheme, lettered I&M Rail Link. Photo by Lon Coone, 1997. From the Bill Sanderson collection.


Notes : Built by EMD as UP SD40 #3060 (10/1966). Sold to HELM, became HLCX #3065. Sold to Montana Rail Link, became IMRL #208. Acquired by Iowa, Chicago & Eastern, became IC&E #208. Rebuilt to -3 specifications at Huron, SD. (2007), and renumbered to IC&E #6102. Sold to Larry's Truck & Electric (2016).




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