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CR Cabooses

© CR caboose 23644 2-14-03 Harrisburg, PA Kris Klemick © CR caboose 19852 6-1-02 Kris Klemick © CR caboose 21303 Eric Augatis © CR caboose 20053 6-1-02 Kris Klemick

The Following List Represents Recent Sightings of CR Cabins. If You Have Corrections, Additions or Have Spotted Any, Please Let Me Know So We Can Get It Added To The List! E Mail Me!

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Caboose Class Location Date Other
18040 N6A Lancaster, PA 7-98
18065 N6A Schererville, IN 7-26-99 Sitting for quite some time
18065 N6A Warsaw, IN 1-15-02
18116 N6A Hollidaysburg, PA 2002 stored
18130 N6A Altoona, PA 2002 stored
18136 N6A Schererville, IN 7-26-99 Sitting for quite some time, has headlight and jumper cable connections on one end
18191 N6A Altoona, PA 2002 stored
18236 N9 Moraine, OH 6-6-99
18362 N9 Oak Island, NJ 6-5-02
18393 N9 Oak Island, NJ 10-01-02
18455 N11 Elkhart, IN 8-27-01
18513 N11 Enola, PA 5-21-02
18531 N11 Northumberland, PA 9-15-02
18531 N11 Enola, PA 4-20-04 Sent here for scrapping with 21222, 23644, 23064 and (18373? paint faded)
18539 N11 Camden, NJ 8-24-02
18541 N11 Oil City, PA 5-18-03
18564 N11E Reading, PA 7-11-98 8-25-02 Jim Thorpe, PA on Harts' Rail Tours
18602 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
18626 N5G Middletown, PA 7-15-02 On the M&H Railroad
18632 N5G Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
18690 N5G Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
18847 N4A Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19119 N5 Phoenixville, PA 8-1-02 Repainted
19659 N3A Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19820 NE6 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19834 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19852 NE6 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19859 NE6 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19864 NE6 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19869 NE6 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19870 NE6 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
19880 NE6 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
20027 Rio Grande, NJ 5-2004 Jeff L reports her on the CMSL line
20053 N5B Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
20057 N5B Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
21107 N7D Philadelphia, PA 6-3-03 NYC Reporting marks
21113 N7D Harrington, DE 1-12-01
21114 N7D Marion, OH 5-1-99
21141 N7D Hollidaysburg, PA 2002 stored
21201 N21 Abrams, PA 2-13-99, 6-16-02 Quality logo
21203 N21 Allentown, PA 11-11-99 Repainted red
21204 N21 Canton, OH 1-21-99, 2-28-99
21205 N21 Morrisville, PA 9-15-02 9-1-03 Philadelphia, PA
21206 N21 Chicago, IL 9-14-99 Colehour Yard
21216 N21 Chicago, IL 9-14-99 Colehour Yard, very worn out
21220 N21 Buffalo, NY Frontier Yard 5-1-99 Reported 7-19-98 at Rockport Yard Cleveland, OH with all windows plated over and repainted in standard Blue with a small logo
21222 N21 Pottstown, PA 7-99 Quality logo
21222 N21 Northumberland, PA 2002 Philadelphia Division Safety
21222 N21 Enola, PA 4-20-04 Sent here for scrapping with 18531, 23644, 23064 and (18373? paint faded)
21227 N21 Abrams, PA 7-1-02 Gone by February 2004
21229 N21 Oak Island, NJ 10-01-02
21235 N21 Altoona, PA 2002 stored, moderate damage?
21237 N21 Hollidaysburg, PA 2002 stored
21241 N21 Altoona, PA 9-9-99 Fully repainted CSX gray with yellow ends, stenciled CR 21241
21242 N21 Lafayette, IN 7-13-98 On WSAV-22
21248 N21 Allentown, PA 8-99, 6-1-02 Stenciled "outerlimits" by 6-02
21252 N21 Northumberland, PA 10-30-99, 3-9-03 Recently repainted as of 10-99
21255 N21 Paris, IL 9-14-98
21256 N21 Chapman, PA 8-1-02, still there 4-15-04 Used on H89 local, OLS paint
21259 N21 Moraine, OH 5-2-99 1-21-99 working the Franklin local, 10-12-02 Roanoke, VA
21261 N21 Newark, DE 10-7-99 At Chrysler Yard for quite some time
21263 N21 Orrville, OH 7-8-99 Restored by NS with heat, AC, radio, axle driven and gas generator!
21264 N21 Danville, IL 9-14-98 Report from J.W. Montgerard- Left Hillery Yard in Danville, IL today on WSPA-22 (Paris to Danville Turn around Local). Once at Paris it was given to the WSAV-26 (Indy to Paris Local) and taken to Avon Yard. A couple days later one of my old Hillery buddies who is now working at Avon called and said he just saw her go over the hump!
21267 N21 Enola, PA 5-14-02 Working the Hershey shifter as of 6-23-02
21268 N21 Florence, NJ 7-12-98 9-15-02 Morrisville, PA
21273 N21 Buffalo, NY Frontier Yard 5-1-99, 3-16-03 NYC Reporting marks
21276 N21 Butler, IN 7-2-98 On WDBR-2
21280 N21 Conway, PA 11-10-99 Repainted red
21283 N21 Elkhart, IN 4-02
21284 N21 Rochester, NY 3-11-03
21286 N21 Camden, NJ 5-29-99, Still as of 8-24-02
21295 N21 Marshall, IL 6-8-98
21299 N21 Baltimore, MD 10-7-99 Bayview Yard
21303 N21 Manville, NJ 4-02, 2-04 Allentown, PA Repainted red "MANVILLE, NJ", Used on H64 local
21305 N21 Reading, PA 9-1-02, 12-21-03
22131 N20 Canton, OH 1-21-99
22135 N20 Lima, OH 5-31-99, 11-01
22137 N20 Linden, NJ 7-5-01 Painted CR Quality
22139 N20 Allentown, PA 7-98 4-1-02 Catawissa, PA Sold to Walt Gosciminski
23016 N5C Altoona, PA 1-00, still as of 2002 stored
23064 N5C Enola, PA 4-20-04 Was an Enola native for atleast 8 years. Sat on 15 Eastbound Receiving. Sent here for scrapping with 18531, 21222, 23644, and (18373? paint faded)
23065 N5C Cleveland, OH Rockport Yard 6-15-98 Still in brown paint
23065 N5C Cleveland, OH 8-99 Reported in full CSX paint with NYC reporting marks
23073 N5C Enola, PA 5-21-02 "Kennys Hideaway"
23147 N5C Camden, NJ 3-26-99 Possibly donated by CR to the Childrens Garden at the NJ State Aquarium
23113 N5C Enola, PA 3-2-02
23120 N5C Newberry, PA 7-98
23144 N5C Abrams, PA 10-13-98 3-99 Reading, PA
23164 N5C Mill Hall, PA 12-97
23214 N8 Philadelphia, PA 2-02 Juniata Terminal RR
23374 N8 Lock Haven, PA 2003 Used as NBER Yard office
23399 N8 Altoona, PA 1-00, still as of 2002 stored
23511 N8B Hollidaysburg, PA 10-98, still as of 2002 stored
23620 N8B Pocopson, PA 6-24-01 Whitelined
23644 N8A Lancaster, PA 12-10-02
23644 N8A Enola, PA 2-5-03, still on 4-20-04 Sent here for scrapping with 18531, 21222, 23064 and (18373? paint faded)
23651 N8A Hollidaysburg, PA 2002 Still stored as of 5-25-03
23667 N8A Allentown, PA 8-98
23802 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
23817 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
23832 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
23866 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
23873 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
23880 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02
24012 N10 Avon, IN 3-99
24014 N10 Hollidaysburg, PA 2002 stored
24016 N10 Altoona, PA 2002 stored
24026 N10 Hollidaysburg, PA 2002 Still stored as of 5-25-03
24030 N10 Rochester, NY 3-18-03
24033 N10 Altoona, PA 2002 stored
24037 N10 Altoona, PA 2002 stored
24039 N10 Jackson, MI 1999-2003 In service on BJ01
24040 N10 Allentown, PA 1-29-99 Had been working Chapman Yard local, Stored at Rose Yard Altoona, PA by 2003
24042 N10 Hollidaysburg, PA 2002 Still stored as of 5-25-03 "RO-10"
24043 N10 Altoona, PA 2002 stored
24517 N12 Altoona, PA 2002 stored
24531 N12 Allentown, PA 9-21-98 Been there awhile now
24531 N12 BR&W 5-99 Damaged on CR, later sold to BR&W, Conrail Quality logo
24532 N12 Hershey, PA 8-99, 6-1-02 Fresh paint as of 8-99, still looks fresh as of 2003!
24548 N12 Boston, MA 6-12-99
46142 Williamsport, PA 6-1-02 M of W (gray)
901018 Morrisville, PA 9-15-02 Shove platform
901020 Morrisville, PA 9-15-02 Shove platform
901023 Camden, NJ 9-17-02 Shove platform
901025 Camden, NJ 9-17-02 Shove platform
901026 Morrisville, PA 9-15-02 Shove platform
901028 Camden, NJ 9-17-02 Shove platform
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