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Archived News 2005


FRIENDS OF AMTRAK HOME PAGE--For the latest and most recent news on Amtrak and legislation affecting Amtrak please go to the Friends of Amtrak home page. CLICK HERE.



Amtrak Gets $1.38 Billion for FY 2006 BUT with Caveats - December 3, 2005

After what may well be the stormiest year in its history, Amtrak has ultimately prevailed in Congress where $1.38 billion has been appropriated for fiscal year 2006. A much weakened President Bush, after proposing zero funding for the nation's passenger rail system, has also signed the measure after threatening a veto. However, the funding comes at some cost to the railroad. The bill requires Amtrak to achieve savings by increasing its operational efficiency, including changes to food and beverage services and first class service as well as the elimination of certain discounts on travel.

Congress Investigating Amtrak Board - Tuesday, November 15

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's Subcommittee on Railroads plans to hold hearings today, Tuesday, November 15, on the firing of Amtrak CEO David Gunn as well as other matters regarding the legality of the Amtrak board itself. The hearing is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. EST and may be broadcast live on c-span. .

Railroad Subcommittee Chairman Steven C. LaTourette (R-OH) has now called into question whether the Amtrak board is properly constituted. If not, it cannot conduct business as it has. All four sitting members of the seven member Amtrak Board are Bush loyalists and only one, its chairman, David Laney, was approved by the Senate. Two others, Floyd Hall and Enrique Sosa, were recess appointments, which means that they were appointed by the President when the Senate was not in session. Their terms expire in about two weeks. The fourth member is the Transportation Secretary Mineta who serves by statute but he has designated his department?s general counsel, Jeffrey Rosen, to serve as his representative. Before being appointed, Mr. Sosa had never even ridden on an Amtrak train!

It appears that the railroad has been operating without a quorum, appointing an executive committee to exercise the authority of a quorum between meetings, which raises a question of legality. There are also concerns about the role of common stock holders in the corporation and whether this board can spin off the northeast corridor, Amtrak?s substantial assets, without their approval. In addition none of the states that would form the consortium to run the NEC have expressed any interest in doing so.

On November 9th, 27 members of the House Committee sent a letter to Mr. Laney expressing their "outrage" at the Board's decision to fire David Gunn saying that he had been doing "a tremendous job in leading Amtrak in the right direction and increasing ridership to a record high of 25.4 million passengers." The group called the action "shocking" and noted that Mr. Gunn's firing will be a severe blow to Amtrak's efforts to succeed? ...and... "Your firing of Amtrak President and CEO David Gunn is a mistake, and we urge you to immediately reconsider your decision."

All indications are that both Republican and Democrats on the committee are furious with the Amtrak Board's decision to fire Mr. Gunn.

The future of intercity passenger railroading is at stake. Please call your representatives in Congress as soon as possible.

Amtrak Under Seige


"I was definitely an obstacle to their dismantling of Amtrak." - David Gunn

"I am very disappointed'' with Gunn's firing, said Senator Trent Lott, the Mississippi Republican who chairs a subcommittee that oversees Amtrak operations. ``Today's action is a step backward.''

"Eliminating Amtrak wouldn't just cost us billions of dollars in operating funds for the trains and the businesspeople and tourists they bring here, it also shreds the safety net we'll need in case - God forbid - our airspace is shut down again like it was after 9/11." - Senator Charles Shumer, NY

CALL CONGRESS NOW 1-800-426-8073


November 9, 2005..David Gunn refused to be a puppet so today the Bush appointed Amtrak board fired him as CEO and President of this nation’s only long distance passenger railroad. A man highly respected for his brilliance, expertise, experience, achievements and straight talk was given his walking papers because he spurned the ideologically driven attempts of the Bush White House to privatize or dissolve the company and spin off the northeast corridor from the national network.

Referring to the Amtrak board, Gunn told the media, “Obviously what their goal is, and it's been their goal from the beginning, is to liquidate the company.”

This is nothing short of an act of arrogance by the Amtrak Board, a cabal of three individuals (there are three vacancies) all appointed by Bush with no experience in railroading whatsoever, plus his Transportation Secretary Mineta, who has conducted an incessant anti-Amtrak crusade for the past year.

David Gunn, heralded by Congress, known as the man who turned around the New York City subway system, among other notable transit achievements, stood up for rail passengers throughout this nation.

And this past September, when the Amtrak board secretly voted to spin off the entire northeast corridor while withholding information from Congress and the affected states, David Gunn had the courage to stand up to these cronies against their attempts to destroy the system.

David Gunn has long been credited with improving Amtrak’s management, initiating frugal cost cutting measures, imposing financial controls and upgrading Amtrak's aging equipment including tracks, signals and electrical systems. The lead man who fired him, Amtrak Board President David Laney, earned his stripes by raising over $100,000 for the President’s election campaign. Now he’s become the hatchet man in a coup that has been staged by ideologues hell bent on destroying the national passenger rail system.

This is yet another example of Bush cronyism and incompetence. Another Katrina. And this is how the game is played these days in Washington. Inspiring and effective officials are summarily dismissed for their honest and forthright leadership because they refuse to play politics. Make no mistake about it. David Gunn was not a loyal political hack.


Amtrak supporters are rallying to reverse this decision. Our best chances lie with Congress in both the House and Senate where David Gunn is highly admired. I strongly urge you to contact your representatives in both chambers as soon as you can and let them know that you want David Gunn reinstated.

The Congressional Switchboard number is: 1- 800-426-8073. Call and ask to speak to your representatives in the House and Senate.

Senate Adopts Bipartisan Measure to Save Amtrak - Bill Authorizes $11.4 Billion Over Next Six Years - November 3, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC -- The U. S. Senate today overwhelmingly approved a bipartisan amendment by Senators Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Trent Lott (R-MS) to strengthen and fully fund Amtrak, keeping the nation's passenger rail system running for the 25 million Americans who rely on Amtrak every year.

The Lott-Lautenberg measure, which was approved 93-6 as part of the Budget Reconciliation bill, authorizes $11.4 billion over the next six years for the nation's passenger rail system and for a new state grant program for passenger rail infrastructure.

"Passenger rail service isn't a luxury, it's a necessity," said Lautenberg. "We learned on 9/11 that we can't depend only on cars and airplanes. Passing this bill is a huge victory for the 25 million Americans who ride Amtrak every year, and the hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans who commute to work on Amtrak's tracks every day."

Calling it one last chance for the Senate to be heard on whether it wants a national passenger rail system, Senator Lott, the co-sponsor of the amendment, asked his colleagues, "Do we help support highways? Do we help the airlines? If we want a complete system of infrastructure and transportation, America needs to include rail as well. Do we want Amtrak to wither on the vine?"

The six Senators who voted against Amtrak today are: DeMint (R-SC), Ensign (R-NV), Gregg (R-NH), Sununu (R-NH), Sessions (R-AL), Voinovich (R-OH)


The Senate has approved the $1.45 billion Fiscal Year 2006 appropriation for Amtrak as part of the H.R.3058, Transportation/Treasury/HUD bill. An amendment was unanimously approved that struck the harmful language that would have unreasonably imposed a profitability standard on Amtrak's diner and sleeper services.The bill will now move to House-Senate conference to reconcile the Senate funding level with the $1.17 billion passed by the House in June.


In a startling new development Amtrak’s Board, all Bush appointees, has voted to begin the process of breaking up the national passenger railroad. The decision, held in closed quarters and kept secret until now, was made on September 22nd. A report of the vote became public when a Florida group released the information in its newsletter. How it got this secret information is highly suspect.

The plan by Amtrak’s board would create a totally new subsidiary which would both own and operate the entire northeast corridor, thus separating that segment of the rail network from the rest of the national system.

According to a report in today’s New York Times, “the plan, which would require action by Congress, is to transfer the corridor to a consortium including the federal government and the governments of the states in the region that would share the costs to maintain it.”

Be aware that this is part of the broader effort by the Bush administration to dissolve Amtrak and dismantle the national passenger rail system, the first step down the road to privatization and the elimination of long distance routes. In addition, by separating the Northeast Corridor from the rest of the system, this would effectively divide the national pro-rail coalition, thus weakening Amtrak’s support in Congress.

I call upon all Friends of Amtrak supporters to categorically reject this move. Let your representatives in the House and Senate know that this plan by Amtrak’s board must be rejected.

CALL CONGRESS - TELL THEM TO REJECT THE AMTRAK BOARD’S PLAN TO DIVIDE AMTRAK. To reach the Congressional switchboard call 1-202-224-3121.

Annual Amtrak Ridership of 25.4 Million Marks Third Straight Year of Record Increases - Most Passengers Ever, Despite Service DisruptionsWASHINGTON

Amtrak ridership increased in FY 2005 to 25,374,998, marking the third straight year of passenger gains for the national intercity passenger railroad, despite service disruptions that included major hurricanes in the south and five months without full Acela Express service in the northeast. This total, for the period Oct. 2004-Sept. 2005, topped the 25,053,564 for the previous 12 months.

ACELA NOW IN FULL SERVICE - September 27, 2005

Amtrak today resumed full service of its high-speed Acela Express trains along the Northeast corridor, doubling to eight the number of roundtrips between Washington and Boston via New York. Acela service between New York and Washington remains at 14 weekday roundtrips. Design flaws in the Acela braking system forced Amtrak to suspend all Acela service in April. Following the replacement of brake discs on the trains, Amtrak gradually resumed service beginning in July.

Meanwhile, Amtrak, under pressure from Congress as well as supporters, postponed a nationwide fare hike of 5 percent to 7 percent that was scheduled to go into effect this week. Amtrak said it planned to further brief the public and officials about the fare increase, which is designed to cover the cost of higher fuel prices.



Beginning Saturday, July 23, Acela Express service will resume to and from Boston. Weekday service to and from Boston will resume on Monday, July 25.

In addition to resumption of Boston Acela Express service, beginning Monday, July 25, Amtrak will increase the number of Acela Express trains operating between Washington and New York by two roundtrips, bringing total weekday roundtrips between New York and Washington to six. 

For online schedules go to Amtrak's website


The full Senate Appropriations Committee voted to provide Amtrak with essential funding for FY 2006 in the amount of $1.45 billion, an increase of $274 million over the House measure. But there are concerns about language in the Senate committee's bill that threatens Amtrak's ability to continue providing on-board food service and possibly sleeping cars. NARP's Ross Capon said that "providing a network of third-class trains would drive away riders and hurt the bottom line." And Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT) said, "Food and beverages, as well as sleeper cars, are essential components of long-distance train travel. I agree that Amtrak needs to be more aggressive in contracting for food and beverage service, but I also believe we need to keep those amenities available.”


The House approved more than $1.17 billion in funding for Amtrak in the fiscal year 2006. By a voice vote, the lawmakers backed an amendment to an annual bill for financing transportation and treasury programs that would add $626 million to a proposed appropriation of $550 million for the passenger railroad. The Bush administration had proposed no financing for Amtrak beginning Oct. 1.

The Senate has yet to consider the measure. All supporters should now contact their two Senators urging them to support full funding for Amtrak. Here is also a list of key Senators:

TARGET LIST OF SENATORS TO CONTACT (those in boldface are considered highest priority)

Senator George Allen (R-VA)
Russell Senate Office Bldg.
Room 204
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4024
(202) 224-5432 fax
E-mail go to:
Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT)
187 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2644
(202) 224-8594 fax
(202) 224-8616 TDD
E-mail go to:
Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS)
United States Senate
Wash., D.C.20510-2402
Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN)
320 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-5641
Fax: 202-224-1152
E-mail go to:
Senator Michael DeWine (R-OH)
140 Russell Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2315
Fax:  (202) 224-6519
Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)
555 Dirksen Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Ph: 202.224.6342
Fax: 202.224.1100
E-mail go to:
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4304
202-224-0776 (FAX)
E-mail go to:
Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)
487 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6253
Fax: (202) 224-2262
Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)
306 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1401
(202) 224-4814
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
(202) 224-5274
Fax: 202-228-2183
E-mail go to:
Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR)
(202) 224-2353
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI)
728 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel:  (202) 224-4642
Fax: (202) 224-4680
Toll free from in Rhode Island: (800) 284-4200
Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)
511 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-6324
E-mail go to:
Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR)
(202) 224-3753
E-mail go to:
Senator George Voinovich (R-OH)
(202) 224-3353
Senator John Warner (R-VA)
(202) 224-2023




House Appropriations Committee Slashes Amtrak Funding - June 21, 2005.

Today the full House Appropriations Committee voted against a Democratic led amendment that would have added back $657 million to the GOP sponsored budgetary proposal that would slash Amtrak's budget by 55%. The Democratic measure would have increased funding the same level as FY 2005. The full committee vote was 27 in favor of the amendment to increase Amtrak funding and 34 opposed.

House Subcommittee Votes To Slash Amtrak Funding - June 15, 2005

The House Appropriations Subcommittee with jurisdiction over Amtrak has voted to slash funding by 55% in the FY 2006 budget. The subcommittee's markup today is the first step in the long appropriations process but, if passed, this would lead to Amtrak's bankruptcy. The next step is a vote of the full House Appropriations Committee which could come as early as Tuesday, June 21.

PLEASE CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE HOUSE NOW - 202-224-3121 is the number for the Capital Hill switchboard. Ask to speak to your House representative. If you do not know who your House Representative is please go to:

Amtrak CEO David Gunn was quick to respond saying, of the House Subcommittee's proposal, "the practical impact of $550 million in federal support would be the same as zero funding for Amtrak, and they know it."


Update on HR 1630 Amtrak Reauthorization Bill - To authorize appropriations for the benefit of Amtrak for fiscal years 2006 through 2008, and for other purposes. April 30, 2005

This bill was voted out of the full committee unanimously on April 27. As of last report there were 39 cosponsors, 8 of which are Republicans. More Republicans are needed.

Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] - 4/28/2005
Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 4/28/2005
Rep Blumenauer, Earl [OR-3] - 4/21/2005
Rep Boswell, Leonard L. [IA-3] - 4/21/2005
Rep Brady, Robert A. [PA-1] - 4/28/2005
Rep Brown, Corrine [FL-3] - 4/14/2005
Rep Carnahan, Russ [MO-3] - 4/28/2005
Rep Carson, Julia [IN-7] - 4/21/2005
Rep Chandler, Ben [KY-6] - 4/21/2005
Rep Cummings, Elijah E. [MD-7] - 4/21/2005
Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] - 4/28/2005
Rep DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4] - 4/28/2005
Rep English, Phil [PA-3] - 4/28/2005
Rep Gerlach, Jim [PA-6] - 4/28/2005
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 4/28/2005
Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22] - 4/28/2005
Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] - 4/28/2005
Rep Honda, Michael M. [CA-15] - 4/28/2005
Rep Israel, Steve [NY-2] - 4/28/2005
Rep Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [OH-11] - 4/28/2005
Rep Kuhl, John R. "Randy", Jr. [NY-29] - 4/28/2005
Rep LaTourette, Steve C. [OH-14] - 4/14/2005
Rep Lewis, John [GA-5] - 4/28/2005
Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] - 4/28/2005
Rep McCollum, Betty [MN-4] - 4/28/2005
Rep McHugh, John M. [NY-23] - 4/28/2005
Rep Millender-McDonald, Juanita [CA-37] - 4/21/2005
Rep Ney, Robert W. [OH-18] - 4/28/2005
Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes [DC] - 4/21/2005
Rep Oberstar, James L. [MN-8] - 4/14/2005
Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [NJ-8] - 4/21/2005
Rep Payne, Donald M. [NJ-10] - 4/28/2005
Rep Platts, Todd Russell [PA-19] - 4/28/2005
Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-3] - 4/28/2005
Rep Rehberg, Dennis R. [MT] - 4/28/2005
Rep Reyes, Silvestre [TX-16] - 4/28/2005
Rep Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch [MD-2] - 4/28/2005
Rep Weiner, Anthony D. [NY-9] - 4/21/2005
Rep Weller, Jerry [IL-11] - 4/28/2005

Amtrak 5 year Reauthorization Bill Introduced - From the United Transportation Union (UTU)

UTU-SOUGHT AMTRAK BILL INTRODUCED WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The bi-partisan leadership of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and its Railroad Subcommittee has introduced legislation to retain a national intercity rail passenger network and fund Amtrak at the $2 billion level sought by Amtrak supporters.

The UTU, which builds close relationsips with Republicans as well as Democrats, worked with each of these lawmakers in crafting the bill designed to save Amtrak.

"Two months ago, the Bush Administration submitted a new budget to destroy our national rail passenger network and Amtrak," said UTU International President Paul Thompson.

The Amtrak Reauthorization Act of 2005, H.R. 1630, was introduced by T&I Committee Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska); Jim Oberstar of Minnesota, the committee's senior Democrat; Railroad Subcommittee Chairman Steve Latourette (R-Ohio), and Corrine Brown of Florida, the subcommittee's senior Democrat.

"I call it the 'Come-to-the-Rescue of Amtrak bill," said UTU National Legislative Director James Brunkenhoefer, who was been visiting almost non-stop with Democratic and Republican lawmakers in Congress since the president's Amtrak-killing budget was introduced in February. "It is a so-called clean bill, meaning it would not make material changes in Amtrak's structure or way of doing business," Brunkenhoefer said.

The Amtrak Reauthorization Act would provide Amtrak with $2 billion annually for Amtrak capital and operating expenses for three consecutive fiscal years, beginning with the federal government's 2006 fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, 2005.

The Secretary of Transportation would be required to set aside a reserve to ensure that Amtrak meets all of its contractual obligations related to commuter rail and state-supported rail services. Also, Amtrak would be required to submit to the secretary comprehensive business plans and follow-up reports with a separate accounting for its various lines of business, and reports related to capital projects expenditures.

Amtrak President David Gunn said this level of funding would be sufficient to begin to address critical needs outlined in its five year capital plan, which is geared to restoring the Amtrak system, including the Northeast Corridor, to a good state of repair.

"It is not enough simply to distribute hand bills and march around Amtrak stations as some organizations have done," said Tony Iannone, UTU's vice president for rail-passenger and commuter service. "To be effective legislatively, you need a positive alternative -- and this bill the UTU helped to develop is that positive alternative."

A second bill, in which the UTU also had input, is the Railroad Infrastructure Development and Expansion Act for the 21st Century (RIDE 21, or H.R. 1631). It also was introduced by the committee's and subcommittee's bi-partisan leadership and would provide $60 billion for high-speed rail and rail infrastructure projects.

Following introduction of the legislation, which involved considerable input from the UTU, Young told Thompson that the Amtrak bill "will allow Amtrak to continue with critical work under its current five-year plan. It is my hope that the funding authorized in this bill will allow a window of opportunity for a last-chance Amtrak turnaround."

Oberstar said, "Without Amtrak, millions of passengers -- many of whom cannot afford to drive a car or buy a plane ticket -- would be stranded, millions of travelers would be added to already congested roads and airports, 20,000 workers would be out on the streets looking for new jobs, communities and businesses that depend on passenger rail service would suffer, and states already under tight budget constraints would be forced to figure out how to pay for new service. It is our responsibility to ensure that Amtrak survives," Oberstar said.

LaTourette said, "This bipartisan bill will provide funds so Amtrak can continue operations and begin to repair and restore the Northeast Corridor. It's clear from the size and scope of the bill that we recognize the vital role railroads play in our national transportation system."

Brown, who represents a portion of Jacksonville, Fla., and who has discussed the Amtrak matter several times with UTU General Chairperson John Hancock (GO-851), who is a Jacksonville resident, said, "The current funding issues concerning Amtrak bring up a fundamental question of where our nation stands on public transportation. We have an opportunity to improve a system that serves our need for passenger rail service, or we can let that fall apart, leaving our country's travelers and businesses with absolutely no alternative form of public transportation."

The fight to save a national intercity rail passenger network is far from over, Brunkenhoefer said.

"An anti-Amtrak bill sought by the Bush administration will be introduced in Congress shortly. All of rail labor must get involved," Brunkenhoefer said. "This means not only continuing to telephone and e-mail your House and Senate lawmakers, but enlisting friends and neighbors to do the same, and even calling local newspapers and television and radio stations to encourage them to do stories about the importance of Amtrak to the community."


22 House Republicans Sign Letter to Appropriations Committee - April 29, 2005

22 House Republicans signed off on a letter of support for Amtrak. The letter has been sent to Appropriations leaders. The 22 are:

Steve LaTourette (OH), Mike Castle (DE), Sherwood Boehlert (NY), Rob Simmons (CT), Michael Fitzpatrick (PA), Frank LoBiondo (NJ), Tim Johnson (IL), Todd Platts (PA), Curt Weldon (PA), Chris Smith (NJ), Peter King (NY), Jim Saxton (NJ), James Leach (IA), Phil English (PA), Jerry Weller (IL), Jim Gerlach (PA), Scott Garrett (NJ), John McHugh (NY), Joe Schwarz (MI), Mike Ferguson (NJ), Sue Kelly (NY), Randy Kuhl (NY).



On March 16th the U.S. Senate voted 52-46 to defeat a resolution by Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.VA) that would have amended the Bush zero budget to provide $1.4 billion for Amtrak. While this is only a resolution and not a final appropriation bill it means that we must now redouble our efforts to ask Congress to fully fund Amtrak. We have good reason to believe that some Senators who voted against the amendment had difficulties with some of the specific language rather than the overall substance. This battle is far from over and I believe that if we continue our lobbying efforts we will prevail.

The roll call vote on the Byrd amendment is shown below.

Voting for the Byrd amendment were 41 Democrats, 1 Independent and 4 Republicans. Two Democrats did not vote. 51 Republicans and 1 Democrat voted no.

This vote gives us a real sense of the 16 Senators we must focus our efforts on. These include Democrats: Bill Nelson (FL), Mark Pryor (AR), Jack Reed (RI) and several Republicans: Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX), Trent Lott (MS), Michael DeWine (OH), Norm Coleman (MN), Conrad Burns (MT), Rick Santorum (PA), George Allen (VA), Thad Cochran (MS), Elizabeth Dole (NC), Richard Lugar (IN), John Warner (VA) and George Voinovich (OH) and Gordon Smith (OR). Note that Reed, Burns, Hutchison, Santorum and Coleman all signed a pro-Amtrak letter in January.

Both Burns and Santorum have very supportive statements on their websites.

"I support the current funding levels in the budget resolution. Senator Byrd's amendment adds money to the budget, but does not ensure that any of that money will go to Amtrak. Appropriators determine what programs receive funding during the annual appropriations process. I will work, as I do every year through the appropriations process, to support programs of importance to Pennsylvania, such as funding for Amtrak. Amtrak is a critical transportation component in Pennsylvania, as Amtrak routes currently serve a number of cities in the Commonwealth and hundreds of thousands of passengers. I support continued funding for the system." - Senator Santorum (R-PA) (3/16/05)

“I agree that AMTRAK must be adequately funded...Raising taxes is not the way to accomplish it, and anyone who says this was a vote against AMTRAK is pandering. I sent a letter to Senator Gregg (R-NH), the Budget Committee Chairman, and made sure he knew how important AMTRAK is to Montana’s transportation infrastructure. We have the flexibility in the appropriations process to make sure the funds are there to keep the Empire Builder rolling, and I will be in that fight to get the funds for AMTRAK. I’m just not going to do it by increasing the tax burden on Montanans.” Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT)
Burns is a senior member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, and the Subcommittee on Transportation, which is directly responsible for funding AMTRAK.


Alabama: Sessions (R-AL), Nay Shelby (R-AL), Nay
Alaska: Murkowski (R-AK), Nay Stevens (R-AK), Nay
Arizona: Kyl (R-AZ), Nay McCain (R-AZ), Nay
Arkansas: Lincoln (D-AR), Yea Pryor (D-AR), Not Voting
California: Boxer (D-CA), Yea Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Colorado: Allard (R-CO), Nay Salazar (D-CO), Yea
Connecticut: Dodd (D-CT), Yea Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Delaware: Biden (D-DE), Yea Carper (D-DE), Yea
Florida: Martinez (R-FL), Nay Nelson (D-FL), Nay
Georgia: Chambliss (R-GA), Nay Isakson (R-GA), Nay
Hawaii: Akaka (D-HI), Yea Inouye (D-HI), Yea
Idaho: Craig (R-ID), Nay Crapo (R-ID), Nay
Illinois: Durbin (D-IL), Yea Obama (D-IL), Yea
Indiana: Bayh (D-IN), Yea Lugar (R-IN), Nay
Iowa: Grassley (R-IA), Nay Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Kansas: Brownback (R-KS), Nay Roberts (R-KS), Nay
Kentucky: Bunning (R-KY), Nay McConnell (R-KY), Nay
Louisiana: Landrieu (D-LA), Yea Vitter (R-LA), Nay
Maine: Collins (R-ME), Yea Snowe (R-ME), Yea
Maryland: Mikulski (D-MD), Yea Sarbanes (D-MD), Yea
Massachusetts: Kennedy (D-MA), Yea Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Michigan: Levin (D-MI), Yea Stabenow (D-MI), Yea
Minnesota: Coleman (R-MN), Nay Dayton (D-MN), Yea
Mississippi: Cochran (R-MS), Nay Lott (R-MS), Nay
Missouri: Bond (R-MO), Nay Talent (R-MO), Nay
Montana: Baucus (D-MT), Yea Burns (R-MT), Nay
Nebraska: Hagel (R-NE), Nay Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Nevada: Ensign (R-NV), Nay Reid (D-NV), Yea
New Hampshire: Gregg (R-NH), Nay Sununu (R-NH), Nay
New Jersey: Corzine (D-NJ), Yea Lautenberg (D-NJ), Yea
New Mexico: Bingaman (D-NM), Yea Domenici (R-NM), Nay
New York: Clinton (D-NY), Yea Schumer (D-NY), Yea
North Carolina: Burr (R-NC), Nay Dole (R-NC), Nay
North Dakota: Conrad (D-ND), Yea Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Ohio: DeWine (R-OH), Nay Voinovich (R-OH), Nay
Oklahoma: Coburn (R-OK), Nay Inhofe (R-OK), Nay
Oregon: Smith (R-OR), Nay Wyden (D-OR), Yea
Pennsylvania: Santorum (R-PA), Nay Specter (R-PA), Yea
Rhode Island: Chafee (R-RI), Yea Reed (D-RI), Not Voting
South Carolina: DeMint (R-SC), Nay Graham (R-SC), Nay
South Dakota: Johnson (D-SD), Yea Thune (R-SD), Nay
Tennessee: Alexander (R-TN), Nay Frist (R-TN), Nay
Texas: Cornyn (R-TX), Nay Hutchison (R-TX), Nay
Utah: Bennett (R-UT), Nay Hatch (R-UT), Nay
Vermont: Jeffords (I-VT), Yea Leahy (D-VT), Yea
Virginia: Allen (R-VA), Nay Warner (R-VA), Nay
Washington: Cantwell (D-WA), Yea Murray (D-WA), Yea
West Virginia: Byrd (D-WV), Yea Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Wisconsin: Feingold (D-WI), Yea Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Wyoming: Enzi (R-WY), Nay Thomas (R-WY), Nay


Amtrak Cuts Three Rivers Route - March 8, 2005.

Amtrak has effectively terminated the Three Rivers route from Pittsburgh to Chicago as of yesterday. The decision had been made when Amtrak decided to no longer carry mail. The end of the Three Rivers meant a halt to rail passenger service in Akron, Fostoria and Youngstown in Ohio and Nappanee, Ind.


In an alarming new development, Amtrak's Board of Directors has failed to meet a crucial February 15th deadline for filing a budgetary request to Congress for FY 2006. This is a most troubling development that raises serious questions about the Board's true intent. At this point what we have on record is a rather vague and ambivalent four page letter from the Board that was sent up to Congress on February 17, along with an attachment from CEO David Gunn (a more positive and upbeat assessment). In the letter the Board expressed a possible intent to yet file a budgetary request while seemingly warming up to the President's attempts to bankrupt the railroad.

Interestingly enough, the Amtrak Board is now comprised of only four voting members, all Bush appointees. It includes its Chairman David M. Laney, a Dallas lawyer and former chairman of the Texas Transportation Commission and a Bush campaign donor, Floyd Hall, (a Bush recess appointee) retired chairman of KMart now residing in Montclair, NJ, Enrique Sosa, a retired oil industry executive from Miami, Florida who at confirmation hearings confessed to have no knowledge of ground transportation matters and had never even been on an Amtrak train (Washington Post, June 6, 2004) and, as ex officio, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, no friend of Amtrak. Presently none of the four Board members nor Mr. Gunn have responded to press inquiries.

This most recent development is raising alarm among Amtrak supporters throughout the country. On February 16, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the ranking Democrat on the Senate's Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee, fired off a letter to Secretary Mineta demanding that he explain how the needs of over 25 million Amtrak riders nationwide will be protected once the railroad is run by a bankruptcy trustee. In the letter Senator Murray writes, "Ceding control of the national railroad to a bankruptcy trustee is both reckless and irresponsible. This plan will put at grave risk the travel options of every Amtrak rider, not just those riding the worst performing lines...” John Robert Smith, a former Republican Amtrak board member and chairman, said discussing bankruptcy "can be a self-fulfilling prophecy." "It gets you an unclean audit, and bad credit, and it makes your suppliers and your lenders extremely nervous," said Mr. Smith, who is the mayor of Meridian, Mississippi. (NY Times, Feb. 20, 2005) "They're committing corporate suicide, and they ought to be sued for doing it," said Ross Capon, the president of the National Association of Rail Passengers (NARP).

For the text of the Board's four page letter and full report go to, click on "Inside Amtrak," then "Other Reports," then "Annual Report to Congress, February 17, 2005". This is a PDF.

Meanwhile, on February 10, 35 Senators sent a letter to Congress expressing "deep concern" about the Bush administration's plan to eliminate financing, saying, "Amtrak has made real progress reforming itself over the last few years."

The 35 signatories to the pro-Amtrak letter are listed below:





Please note that this letter is addressed to Senators Judd Gregg (R-NH) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) and as recipients of the letter they cannot sign it. Also note that in some cases logistical problems and the urgency in getting this letter out quickly may be a reason why a Senator hadn't signed it.


Repeatedly using terms like "reform" and "partnership," Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta went on the attack yesterday against Amtrak in a press conference at Chicago's Union Station. Mineta unveiled the Bush administration's plans to turn over the nation`s passenger rail system to individual states. Amid chants from protesters during a news conference inside Chicago`s Union Station, U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta described Bush`s plan to provide a 50-50 federal-state match for investments in stations, rail lines, trains and other passenger-rail infrastructure while Amtrak would compete to only operate trains. Dozens of protesters gathered inside Union Station`s main hall during Mineta`s remarks, holding signs that read "Fund Amtrak" and "American Needs Trains." Mineta flew to the event.

Saying that "Very soon, the Bush Administration will re-introduce a comprehensive reform package," known only as the Passenger Rail Investment Reform Act, Mineta underscored the administration's increasingly vitriolic attacks on Amtrak that would result in the demise of the national rail service in favor of state operated systems. Using words like "nuts" and "irrational" to paint Amtrak, Mineta told reporters "Our proposal does not call for an end to Amtrak. Instead, we would work hand-in-hand with states and local entities to invest in track, tunnels, bridges and stations, freeing Amtrak from that responsibility. Amtrak could then focus on its core mission – running the trains on time." The Secretary never addressed the problem of how current private rail companies repeatedly delay Amtrak trains for hours on end while prioritizing freight traffic on their lines. The proposal calls for Amtrak, once divested of its assets, to become one of many companies that would compete for these state-federal contracts. "We are proposing that ownership of Union Station and the other rail-related infrastructure in the area currently owned by Amtrak be transferred to a regional transportation authority," the Secretary continued.

Calling the proposal "top-to-bottom reform," Mineta said that he and the President support intercity passenger rail. He called the Cascades service between Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, British Columbia a "model for national reform" but failed to indicate how this patchwork system in the hands of the individual states would serve as a national intercity rail network. Defending the administration against vocal criticism that they are out to kill Amtrak Mineta said, "If I wanted to kill Amtrak, I wouldn`t have to lift a finger." He's right. The Bush administration is now attempting to do just that - kill Amtrak - by not lifting a finger to fund the national intercity passenger rail network, thus forcing it into bankruptcy. This proposal is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to kill Amtrak!

Elected officials from Illinois, the site of Mineta's press conference, were quick to respond. Democratic U.S. Senator Dick Durbin called the proposal "terrible" and noted that the Secretary just hadn't done his homework. Durbin said in a statement that the federal government shouldn`t depend on cash-strapped states such as Illinois to help fund investments. "Illinois is not in a position to pick up the subsidy for Amtrak," said Durbin. "Secretary Mineta didn`t come here with a plan. He came here with an excuse for this terrible budget decision. It is time for the Bush administration to realize that if federal support is important enough for our nation`s highways and airports, then an investment in passenger rail should be a priority," he said.

Newly elected U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D) noted, "Every year they make the same proposal and some of it is just ideological....It strikes me that we should make a greater investment in upgrading our rail system rather than eliminating the subsidies that already exist. If you look at the amount of subsidies that we provide the highways relative to the subsidies that we provide rail transportation, it pales in comparison." Obama echoed a comment many Amtrak supporters have made for years saying, "We`re the only developing country in the world that doesn`t make a significant commitment to our rail transportation system."

U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Peoria, also rejected the Bush rail plan. He said he favors maintaining the current Amtrak system but didn`t rule out small changes to make the railroad more efficient. "We`ve got a good Amtrak system in Illinois and I don`t think we want to destroy it by talking about privatization," LaHood said in a telephone interview with the Peoria Journal Star. "The subsidies need to continue. These subsidies are the lifeblood of Amtrak continuing the kind of service they have to the college towns and the small communities in Illinois and around the country. I don`t see us really tinkering with that."

President Nominates Two to Amtrak Board - February 10, 2005
President Bush has announced his intention to nominate Enrique J. Sosa of Florida and Floyd Hall of New Jersey for five-year terms on the Amtrak Reform Board. Sosa would replace former Virginia Gov. Linwood Holton, whose term has expired, while Hall would replace Amy M. Rosen, whose term has also expired. Hall is a retired chairman of K-Mart, while Sosa has spent much of his career in the petrochemical industry, with experience in the upper management of BP Amoco and Dow Chemical..


In a press release issued today the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) condemned the Bush administration's FY 2006 DOT budget proposal for Amtrak as "radical and irresponsible." The text of the NARP release is copied below:

The Administration's Fiscal 2006 Department of Transportation budget proposal eliminates all funding for Amtrak. The National Association of Railroad Passengers condemns this proposal as radical and irresponsible.

It would end virtually all intercity rail passenger service in the nation, including through service on the Northeast Corridor between Boston, New York and Washington, D.C. This places the burden of funding intercity passenger rail entirely on states that do not have the financial resources to assume such an unfunded mandate.

States with limited resources would place first priority on saving the commuter operations within their borders. The $360 million the Administration proposes to make available directly to states may not be sufficient to maintain even these operations much less through trains that cross state lines. Past experience demonstrates that any expectation of the states cooperating to fund such service is unwarranted and unrealistic.

Administration claims that an Amtrak bankruptcy would eliminate "inefficient operations" and lead to the emergence of a "more rational" passenger rail system that served routes where there is "real ridership demand" and "support from local governments--such as the Northeast Corridor" are false.

Clearly they are targeting Amtrak's long distance services and misrepresenting crucial facts.

*Far from lacking demand, the long distance routes handle more travel volume each year than the Northeast Corridor (NEC) -- nearly 30% more than the conventional trains and five time more than Acela Express and Metroliner.
*Far from being inefficient, the long distance network costs less per passenger mile to operate than either of the NEC services. It is a common misconception that the long distance trains are "money losers" while the NEC trains are "profitable." None of them is, including the new high speed Acela Express.
*The amount of operating support needed to operate the long distance network is not significantly greater than it is for the NEC.

The Bush Administration misleads the public when it states that a "restructuring" based on zero federal support "should lead to the development of short-corridor routes between major population centers." On the contrary, the existing system has provided the framework and infrastructure for the significant corridor development we have seen on the West Coast, the Midwest, and in upstate New York.

Eliminating Amtrak would put in jeopardy many of the improvements we are seeing, and would preclude the possibility of improvements elsewhere. It completely disregards the nation's growing need for the rail travel alternative.


Amtrak CEO David Gunn responded to the Bush administration's budget proposal in an Employee Advisory copied below:

Bush Proposes No Funding forAmtrak in FY ’06

Dear Amtrak Co-workers:

Earlier today, President Bush sent to Congress his proposed budget for FY ’06. It provides no funding for Amtrak. In contrast, this year we are spending $1.4 billion, of which $1.2 billion is from a federal appropriation to support our operations and capital programs across the country.

The President’s proposal does provide $360 million to the Surface Transportation Board for continued commuter and freight operations on the NEC only after forcing an Amtrak bankruptcy. It also isn’t accompanied by any kind of plan for how Amtrak could continue operations. In a word, they have no plan for Amtrak other than bankruptcy.

Obviously, the proposal is irresponsible and a surprising disappointment. It doesn’t acknowledge all the hard work you’ve done over the past two years to run a tighter and better ship. Our costs are more under control than ever before - that’s quite an accomplishment.

It is critical that reforms and improvements must continue, however. Amtrak’s management is engaged with its board, the Department of Transportation and others for this purpose. That work continues. We are committed to an efficient and productive rail passenger system. The plan to force us into bankruptcy would be counterproductive to this goal.

The President's proposal is only the start of a long legislative process, and we are taking it very seriously. This process has alot of twists and turns, and it always takes six to nine months to sort out. It won’t have any impact through the ’05 fiscal year, but there’s going to be very little cash left at the end of this year. Rest assured that after all we have been through, I am committed to doing everything I can to secure adequate funding for ‘06. We have strong support in Congress and a lot of support across the country.

The best thing that all employees can do is to do their jobs professionally, delivering the highest quality passenger service we know how. If we really care about our passengers, others will care about us. As I travel in the Midwest this week, you can bet that I’m going to be looking at service standards. Stay safe out there, and keep your heads up.

Sincerely, David L. Gunn


Small Victory: Anti-Amtrak Congressman Gets His - February 3, 2005.

Representative Ernest Istook (R-OK) took it on the chin when he was removed from his position as chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on Transportation. Istook infuriated members of his own party when he abused his power as Chairman to punish 21 moderate GOP House representatives for signing a letter supporting more funding for Amtrak in 2004. In an effort to intimidate the 21 lawmakers who backed Amtrak Istook retaliated by stripping an appropriations bill of highway projects that would have benefitted their districts. The exchange became so heated that The Press Standard newspaper reported that Istook and Congressman John McHugh (R) of New York "came close to physical blows" over Amtrak funding.

Istook recently ranked number two on the Friends of Amtrak "Enemies List" for his outrageous stunt. The list, which includes five of the most ardent opponents of Amtrak is as follows:

1. President George W. Bush
2. Representative Ernest Istook (R-OK)
3. Wendell Cox, a prominent anti-rail, anti-transit critic
4. Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
5. Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL)

Others considered for ranking on the list have included Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, Columnist Robert Samuelson who is perpetually raving about how Amtrak is at the top of the Washington pork pile, Guilford Transportation whose decade long battle to halt Amtrak service on its tracks is legendary, the state of New Hampshire for its intransigence in offering support for New England rail service subsidized by surrounding states and Kenneth Mead, Inspector General DOT who likes to set the table for the Bush administration's ideologically driven attacks. The list was compiled in conjunction with the Railroad Passengers Association of Alabama with input from some members of the All-Aboard internet listserve and others who have been actively involved in the Friends of Amtrak effort.

If you have any candidates for this list please don't hesitate to write and explain your reasons for inclusion.


Reuters News is reporting today that President Bush will propose ending all federal funding for Amtrak operations in the 2006 budget. The budget proposal, which will be released on Monday, will allow for only $360 million for maintenance for Amtrak's Northeast Corridor where the high speed Acela trains operate. Such a proposal would effectively kill Amtrak.



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