By Craig S. O'Connell


Memories of Okie printed in American Flyer Features by Heimburger House Publishing Co., 1985.

Craig's bio--from the Dispatch "Meet An S Gauger" column, February, 1997.

Craig's Friends of Amtrak Homepage.

Craig's page of train links.




Layout view featuring American Models New Haven PA, American Flyer® Branford Diner and Gilbert News Co./Glendale Station.





Here's a photo of the layout from just one view. The buildings are mostly kitbashed from HO Design Preservation Models structures.


L girder benchwork is the framework for my S layout.


I scratchbuilt this tunnel portal to S scale dimensions using Das clay, a self-drying, non-shrinking clay sold in toy/craft/art stores.


Kinsman made S scale craftsman style wood kits such as the one pictured above. This kit took me about 25 hours to complete.


Modified version of the original Plasticville Diner kit on my home layout.


My only brass piece of equipment - the G.E. 44 tonner by River Raisin Models.

View of the AF accessory control panel used by visiting children to operate action accessories.

AF electromagnetic crane in operation.

View of double mainline at the curve passing downtown.

An unusual track level view of the mainline and sidings. To the left is a Korber Models factory and the LVM Coca-Cola Co. Turnouts are #4 and #8 closed frog to accomodate hirail and scale.

American Model New Haven S-12 passes kitbashed Korber factory (L) and scratchbuilt warehouse (R).

An aerial view of the AF section of layout showing a variety of structures: Plasticville Diner (L foreground), AF Wayside Station (L), BTS Interlocking Tower (Right foreground), modified Plastiville freight station (R), cardstock utility company (R).

Another view of a Korber factory that is just right for S scale.

View showing double mainline heading into a crossover.

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NASG Perles Publications Award, 1997.

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The Pro-Amtrak Internet Effort!

To get a free bumper sticker like the one above

Changes last made on:

January 10, 1999


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