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On Thursday, January 21st, 1999 train NFSE-1 powered by CSXT C40-8W
7687, CSXT C40-8W 7901, B23-7 1962, C30-7A 6555, and SD60M 5529 and
consisting of 129 loads and 12 empties weighing 14,387 tons derailed 31
cars along the Mohawk River The exact point of derailment of train NFSE-1
was at milepost 199.7 on the Chicago Line in Fort Plain, NY. The 36th
through 67th head cars derailed. The train had been last reported by
CP-203, NY at 17:56 EST. Twenty of the derailed cars contained hazardous
materials; 15 loads of propane and 5 loads of styrene. Nine loaded
multi-level autoracks were also involved in the derailment. Detours
operated via alternate Conrail routes, the NYS&W, and the D&H. The clean up
process took nearly three days due to the nature of the cargo involved and
the location. The New York State Thruway was also closed by the derailment.
Luckily, there were no injuries. The following sequence of photographs
document the cleanup operation.
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