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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/dans-csx.
A CSX/Norfolk Southern New River Junction Layout

A CSX train on NS tracks passes some horses at the Farmington Road crossing near Hamilton, Ohio.
CSX serves the International Paper plant just outside Dayton, Ohio.


The Cargil facility at Dayton, Ohio.

A look down the street at a row of houses (in various states of completion). The street is made of Masonite and is yet to be painted.

The steel mill is coming along. This mill is based on the AK Steel plany in Middletown, Ohio.

A look at the town from another angle. The two pieces of paper in the foreground will soon be replaced by the Walthers General Store and Southtown Hi-Fi.

The business section of downtown.
some pictures from my trip to Dayton and Cincinnati in the Spring of 2002.
A CSX freight rolls by the Armco Steel compound in Middletown, Ohio on the old layout.
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