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About Railinfo 1.0 for Windows

About Railinfo 1.0 for Windows
Railinfo 1.0 was created with Visual Basic 4.0 for Windows 3.1 (but it
works in Win95). Railinfo attempts to be a comprehensive database of
information that a
traveling railfan would desire. Its main purpose is to create text-based
log files containing locomotive reporting marks, number, model, builder, and
built date; report date and location; as well as photograph catalog number
and any other notes. Some of this information is provided by the user, and
Railinfo provides locomotive roster information automatically. Rosters can
be edited and updated using an easy-to-use roster editor.
Railinfo provides Employee Timetable information in text file format, with a
comprehensive index. It also provides you with some web-originated radio
frequency information as well as NORAC signal rules in full color. Its best
feature is a powerful search engine that allows you to search up to four
text entries in Boolean (AND, OR, NOT) format. One can search many files
and output the results to a text file. Both record files (railfan logs) and
timetables can be searched this way.
This version is somewhat limited in scope, due to time limitations and
programming ability (or lack thereof). My concept of future versions would
be an Internet-based program, with downloadable timetable updates for all of
North America; as well as downloadable, updated rosters and signal rules.
Railfans would be able to share sighting info with one another in a quick,
timely manner.
Well, I have finished compiling help and setup files. You can
download Railinfo
in zip file format, for PC Compatibles with Win 3.1 or higher. You'll
need pkunzip or WinZip to extract the file.
If you have pkunzip or WinZip installed on your system, find the
file in Explorer, File Manager, etc; and double-click it. This should
start pkunzip or Winzip. Extract the ri10.exe file into a temporary
folder. Run the setup.exe file located in that temporary folder.
How to install Railinfo:
- Unzip the file using pkunzip or
WinZip, unzip the file to a temporary
folder/directory (for example "C:\ri10temp")
- Run the setup.exe program located in the temporary
- Follow instructions when prompted by the installation program
- Minor error I just caught: If you're using Win 95 or NT, you'll have to
add your own shortcut to ri10.exe, located in whatever folder you
installed Railinfo (by default, should be C:\RI10 ) I'll fix this asap, so
you can wait if you are patient. To add a shortcut, go into "My Computer",
the drive and folder you installed Railinfo into, and locate
ri10.exe. Then click once on ri10.exe and drag it to the desktop.
That should do it.
7/29/99 To update your roster files and the Railinfo program file, download
this file. It's 160KB. Unzip it. Replace the existing ri10.exe
file with the new one from the zipfile. Put the .ros roster files
in your ri10/ros/ directory. One caveat - if you use the signal rules and timetables features
of Railinfo, this version does not support them. However, that information is available online
at Eastern Railroad News.
If you have any problems, email me.
Also, please let me know what you think and any suggestions you may
This page was created and maintained
by J. Alex Lang,
© 1997.
Last updated July 30, 1999
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