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| Order # 7343, SW1500 MP 1518 to MP 1521 4 Units Weight ? Lbs
Serial # | Built Date | Type | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. |
7343-1 | 12.72 | SW1500 | MP 1518 | UP 1318 | CRL 18 | . | . | . |
7343-2 | 12.72 | SW1500 | MP 1519 | UP 1319 | CRL 19 | . | . | . |
7343-3 | 12.72 | SW1500 | MP 1520 | UP 1320 | SDNR 1501 | IRLX 1501 | . | . |
7343-4 | 12.72 | SW1500 | MP 1521 | UP 1321 | HLLX 1500 | . | . | . |
Updated 02.14.2004
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