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Order # 776116, GP39-2 KCCX 790 to KCCX 799 10 Units Weight 26,200 Lbs Elevated Cab
Serial # | Built Date | Model | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. |
776116-1 | 10.78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 790 | . | . | . | . | . |
776116-2 | .78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 791 | KCCX 108 | KCCX 791 | CBRY 501 | . | . |
776116-3 | 10.78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 792 | . | . | . | . | . |
776116-4 | 10.78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 793 | SOO 4598 | . | . | . | . |
776116-5 | 10.78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 794 | KCCX 109 | KCCX 794 | SOO 4599 | . | . |
776116-6 | 10.78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 795 | KCCX 110 | KCCX 795 | HATX 3950 | UP 2749 | . |
776116-7 | .78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 796 | CBRY 502 | . | . | . | . |
776116-8 | 10.78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 797 | KCCX 111 | KCCX 797 | HATX 3951 | UP 2750 | ILSX 1389 |
776116-9 | 10.78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 798 | NREX 798 | . | . | . | . |
776116-10 | .78 | GP39-2 | KCCX 799 | Railworks 799 | . | . | . | . |
Updated 10.26.2005
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