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Order # 776122, GP38-2 TPW 2005 to TPW 2011 7 Units Weight 260,800 Lbs
Serial # | Built Date | Model | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. | Road No. |
776122-1 | 10.78 | GP38-2 | TPW 2005 | ATSF 3575 | ATSF 2374 | BNSF 2376 | . | . |
776122-2 | 10.78 | GP38-2 | TPW 2006 | ATSF 3576 | ATSF 2375 | . | . | . |
776122-3 | 10.78 | GP38-2 | TPW 2007 | ATSF 3577 | ATSF 2376 | BNSF 2378 | . | . |
776122-4 | 10.78 | GP38-2 | TPW 2008 | ATSF 3578 | ATSF 2377 | BNSF 2379 | . | . |
776122-5 | 10.78 | GP38-2 | TPW 2009 | ATSF 3579 | ATSF 2378 | . | . | . |
776122-6 | 10.78 | GP38-2 | TPW 2010 | ATSF 3580 | ATSF 2379 | BNSF 2381 | . | . |
776122-7 | 10.78 | GP38-2 | TPW 2011 | ATSF 3581 | ATSF 2380 | . | . | . |
Updated 01.25.2002
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