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CPR Canadian Pacific Railway
Locomotive Roster and Photo Archives

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4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409
4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419
4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429
4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439
4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449
4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459
4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469
4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478

Copyright © 2000 Milepost 57 Rail Productions

Roster info on this page will be removed as each unit gains it's own photo/info page.
Unit Builder Model B/N B/D Paint Notes
4400 ALCO FB-1 76878 1949 ----
4401 ALCO FB-1 76879 1949 ----
4402 ALCO FB-1 76880 1949 ----
4403 ALCO FB-1 76881 1949 ----
Units 4400-4403 built on ALCO order number 20382.
4404:1 MLW FB-1 77325 1950 ----
4405 MLW FB-1 77326 1950 ----
4406:1 MLW FB-1 77327 1950 ----
4407:1 MLW FB-1 77328 1950 ----
4408 MLW FB-1 77329 1950 ----
4409 MLW FB-1 77330 1950 ----
4410 MLW FB-1 77331 1950 ----
4411 MLW FB-1 77332 1950 ----
4412 MLW FB-1 77333 1950 ----
4413 MLW FB-1 77334 1950 ----
4414 MLW FB-1 77335 1950 ----
4415 MLW FB-1 77336 1950 ----
4416 MLW FB-1 77337 1950 ----
4417 MLW FB-1 77338 1950 ----
4418 MLW FB-1 77339 1950 ----
4419 MLW FB-1 77340 1950 ----
4420 MLW FB-1 77341 1950 ----
4421 MLW FB-1 77342 1950 ----
4422:1 MLW FB-1 77343 1950 ----
4423 MLW FB-1 77344 1950 ----
Units 4404-4423 built on MLW order number DM-566.
4424 GMD F7B A250 1951 ----
4425 GMD F7B A251 1951 ----
4426 GMD F7B A252 1951 ----
4427 GMD F7B A253 1951 ----
4428 GMD F7B A254 1951 ----
4429 GMD F7B A255 1951 ----
4430 GMD F7B A256 1951 ----
4431 GMD F7B A257 1951 ----
4432 GMD F7B A258 1951 ----
4433 GMD F7B A259 1951 ----
Units 4424-4433 built on GMD order number C-117.
4434 GMD F7B A246 1951 ---- 1908; see note
4435 GMD F7B A247 1951 ---- 1909; see note
4436 GMD F7B A248 1951 ---- 1910; see note
4437:1 GMD F7B A249 1951 ---- 1911; see note
Units 4434-4437 built on GMD order number C-116.  These units were re# 1908-1911 in 1954.  1909,1911 were re# back to 4435,4437 in 1966.  1908 was re# back to 4434 in 1971.  Unit 1910 was wrecked. 
4438 GMD F7B A312 1952 ---- 1912; see note
4439 GMD F7B A313 1952 ---- 1913; see note
4440:1 GMD F7B A314 1952 ---- 1914; see note
4441 GMD F7B A315 1952 ---- 1915; see note
4442 GMD F7B A316 1952 ---- 1916; see note
4443 GMD F7B A317 1952 ---- 1917; see note
4444 GMD F7B A318 1952 ---- 1918; see note
4445 GMD F7B A319 1952 ---- 1919; see note
4446 GMD F7B A320 1952 ----
4447 GMD F7B A321 1952 ----
4448 GMD F7B A322 1952 ----
Units 4438-4447 were built on GMD order number C-133.  Unit 4448 was built on GMD order number C-134.  Units 4438-4440,4444,4445 were re# 1912-1914,1918,1919 in 1954.  Units 4441-4443 were re# 1915-1917 in 1955.  All were re# back to their original numbers in 1965.
4449 CLC CPB16-4 2686 1952 ---- rb robot car 1007
4450 CLC CPB16-4 2687 1952 ---- rb robot car 1011
4451 CLC CPB16-4 2688 1952 ---- rb robot car 1012
4452 CLC CPB16-4 2689 1952 ---- rb robot car 1008
4453 CLC CPB16-4 2690 1952 ---- rb robot car 1015
4454 CLC CPB16-4 2691 1952 ---- rb robot car 1006
Units 4449-4454 were built on CLC order number C-624b.
4455 CLC CFB16-4 2722 1953 ---- sold PGE
4456 CLC CFB16-4 2723 1953 ---- sold PGE
4457 CLC CFB16-4 2724 1953 ---- rb robot car 1013
4458 CLC CFB16-4 2725 1953 ---- rb robot car 1014
Units 4455-4458 were built on CLC order number C-628b.
4459 GMD F7B A495 1953 ----
4460 GMD F7B A496 1953 ----
4461 GMD F7B A497 1953 ----
4462 GMD F7B A498 1953 ----
Units 4459-4462 built on GMD order number C-159.
4463 MLW FPB-2 77730 1953 ----
4464 MLW FPB-2 77731 1953 ----
Units 4463-4464 built on MLW order number 4502.
4465 MLW FB-2 77727 1953 ----
4466 MLW FB-2 77728 1953 ----
4467 MLW FB-2 77729 1953 ----
4468 MLW FB-2 79161 1953 ----
4469 MLW FB-2 79162 1953 ----
4470 MLW FB-2 79163 1953 ----
Units 4465-4470 built on MLW order number 4502.
4471 CLC CPB16-4 2728 1954 ---- rb robot car 1009
4472 CLC CPB16-4 2729 1954 ---- rb robot car 1010
Units 4471-4472 were built on CLC order number C-629b.
4473 GMD F9B A600 1954 ---- 1900
4474 GMD F9B A601 1954 ---- 1901
4475 GMD F9B A603 1954 ---- 1903
4476 GMD F9B A604 1954 ---- 1904
4477 GMD F9B A605 1954 ---- 1905
4478 GMD F9B A607 1954 ---- 1907
Units 4473-4478 were built on GMD order number C-176 as CP 1900,1901-1905,1907 and were re# to 4473-4478 in 1971.
Dispositions: 4449,4454 rb to robot cars 1007,1006 in 1970; 4450-4452 rb to robot cars 1011,1012,1008 in 1969; 4453 rb to robot car 1015 in 1972; 4454 rb to robot car 1006 in 19__?; 4455,4456 sold to PGE in 1971; 4457,4458 rb to robot cars 1013,1014 in 1969 and 1972 respectively; 4471,4472 rb to robot cars 1009,1010 in 1971; 4473-4475,4477,4478 sold to VIA in 1978;
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