vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl vti_author:SR|Bill Miller vti_title:SR|HELM SD40A 5019 vti_cachedlinkinfo:VX|S|../../icons/1ptrans.gif S|../../icons/1ptrans.gif S|hlc5019.jpg S|../../icons/1ptrans.gif S|../../icons/1ptrans.gif vti_cachedhastheme:BR|false vti_cachedhasborder:BR|false vti_timecreated:TR|21 May 2000 20:16:01 -0400 vti_filesize:IX|3245 vti_cachedbodystyle:SR|
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This website has been archived from TrainWeb.org/galt-stn to TrainWeb.US/galt-stn.

vti_modifiedby:SR|Bill Miller vti_cacheddtm:TX|21 May 2000 20:17:24 -0400 vti_backlinkinfo:VX|cproster/locomotive/6400s/cp6406.htm vti_cachedhasbots:BR|false vti_nexttolasttimemodified:TW|21 May 2000 20:16:01 -0400 vti_extenderversion:SR| vti_cachedtitle:SR|HELM SD40A 5019 vti_timelastmodified:TR|21 May 2000 20:17:25 -0400
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