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Todd's Train Pics

Another collection of pictures taken right after the 2000 Big Train Show of the T_LB RR (Tortise and Lizard Bash RR aka the Todd and Linda Brody RR). Todd had busted his tail to get the layout ready for busloads of visitors from the Big Train Show.

overall viewThis is a view looking back from the mountain end toward the town.

overall viewLooking back the other way.

mountainTodd's mountain has only minor grades.

mountain backsideThe backside ofthe mountian has an old wooden shack. A better view of the shack is on one of the earlier photo sets.

Todd added an extension to the main line which loops around a very large palm tree. This represents his B&B area, booze and broads.

short trestleA short trestle spans a small running stream behind the town.

brick buildingThis is a well painted urethane foam building.

bruck buildingAnother foam building.

coaling stationTodd scratch built this coaling rig.

townTodd's town has been built up very well. There are several new business and an gazeebo.

dogs waitingEven the dogs are well behaved as they wait in line for their turn.

kids playingRight new the town, some children are jumping rope.

lounge lizardsThe Lounge Lizards are giving an outdoor concert

farm and streamA farm area sits inside one of the loops, near the head of the running stream.

rusty FA Todd weathered this FA in true SP style.

shayTodd's shay has also been weathered as seen on the mountain.

© 2000 Todd Brody
Created June 11, 2000
Last Updated June 11, 2000


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