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Todd's Train Pics

A collection of pictures a year after opening day of the T_LB RR (Tortise and Lizard Bash RR aka the Todd and Linda Brody RR). Todd has obviously been busy.

Todd's town has grown with the addition of new structures and plantings.

This view is looking generally east.

Todd is still fixing the stupid turnouts.

Jim Gressang came by to run trains as well.

This is a view of the mountain at the west end of the layout. On the layout is a gold mine.

The gold mine has a horse drawn car on HO track.

This mine is clearly productive with nuggets as big as the ore cars.

On the other side of the mountain from the gold mine is a rustic cabin.

This is a view of the station at the front of the town.

The town also has a garage.

There is a grain elevator of sorts over in a corner.

Near the town, is a farm scene.

Jim brought his LGB streamliner set.

I (George Schreyer) brought my Aristo streamliner set so we had dualing streamliners running.

Todd had his newly weathered GP-9 running.

Todd and I both ran our Shays. Todd's (the weathered one which is literally brand new) ran for about and hour and then a wheel about fell off. All the others were also crapping out. Mine has several hundred hours on it and it seems to have no problems at all. Todd was bummed with good reason.

Todd also ran his Terrible Tube Train. The one runs off a power tool motor driving a 3 bladed prop. The whole works rolls on an old Aristo heavyweight 6 wheel truck.

Todd has installed his control panel on a roll around cart with all the power supplies on the lower shelf.

The panel hooks to the layout through this junction box.

There is a herd of sheep. However, barely visible just to the right of the tree in the upper part of the photo, a wolf is waiting for an opportunity.

This rabbit is also in trouble.

Just coming out of his cave is a bear.

A band of hobos has set up camp near the town. The campfire is lighted and flickers.

© 1997, 1998 Todd Brody
Created Nov 15, 1998
Last Updated Nov 15, 1998


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