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When I was young, the two things that I wanted most were a motorbike and a model train set.
The first one was never allowed by my father, and as for the second, it was not possible to find any in
Turkey those days even though we could afford it. We used play with wooden toys. The only solution was to
find someone who was going abroad and ask him to take one back home with him which my father would never
By the way, I'm in my 40s now, and I'm talking about the days of 20-25 years ago. Back then, it was hard to
find cigarettes and gas for cars and fuel-oil for heating, let alone toys.
Two years ago, the first of my childhood dreams came true: I BOUGHT A MOTORBIKE!!! At the age of 39!!
And now, thanks to Ebay which reminded me the dreams of my childhood again, finally, I'm able to fulfill
my dreams. One day, when I was scrolling through the vast oceans of Ebay, I have come across a train set and,
at that moment, I have decided to make my dreams real.
Indeed, it was very hard to make a decision since there were countless choices, and I had no idea about
trains,let alone the scales.
I have made some research and finally decided to go with the N scale considering the factors like having
a very limited space at home, affordability, easy setup etc.
Even though I had seen the scale comparisons on the Net, I have decided to buy a wagon or a car first
in order to see the real dimensions. And I have bought one oil tank car and one bulk car. Even though I was
amazed by the sizes (my amazement comes from the worksmanship, being able to build so small but so identical
to the original),I was very happy when I've first received them. Here are the pictures of the first two
pieces I own:

And this is just the beginning! There is lot more to go..
© 2003, GuguRail
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