CN/IC Acquisition Procedural Schedule
February 18, 1998
July 15, 1998
- Primary application and related application filed.
August 14, 1998
- Board notice of acceptance of primary application and related application published in
the Federal Register.
- Safety Integration Plan due.
August 31, 1998
- Notification of intent to participate due.
- Description of anticipated inconsistent and responsive applications due.
- Petitions for waiver or clarification due with respect to such applications.
September 21, 1998
- Responsive Environmental Report and Environmental Verified Statements for inconsistent
and responsive applicants due.
October 13, 1998
- All comments, protests, requests for conditions, and any other evidence and argument in
opposition to the primary application due, including filings of the U.S. Department of
Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
- Inconsistent and responsive applications due.
November 2, 1998
- Notice of acceptance (if required) of inconsistent and responsive applications published
in the Federal Register.
December 16, 1998
- Response to comments, protests, requested conditions, and other opposition due.
- Response to comments of DOJ and DOT due.
- Rebuttal in support of primary application and related application due.
- Response to inconsistent and responsive applications due.
January 15, 1999
- Rebuttal in support of inconsistent and responsive applications due.
February 9, 1999
- Parties who wish to participate in the oral argument must inform the Board by this date,
and provide the specific information requested in this decision.
February 19, 1999
- Briefs due, all parties (not to exceed 50 pages for applicants and not to exceed 25
pages for all other parties).
March 18, 1999
- Oral argument (close of record).
March 25, 1999
- Voting conference (at Board's discretion).
May 25, 1999
- Date of service of final written decision.
July 1, 1999
- Illinois Central Corporation is merged into Blackhawk Merger Subsidiary, Inc., a unit of
Grand Trunk Corporation.
- Commence step-by-step integration of operations.