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Welcome to Monocacy Valley

This website is a collection of images of my HO scale representation of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad's fictional Monocacy Valley Branch , which ran through central Maryland between Frederick, MD and Gettysburg, PA (a.k.a. the laundry room and the furnace ;-). Another fictional element of this layout is a model steel mill based on a collection of Walthers Cornerstone TM series building and scratchbuilt structures -- this occupies roughly 85 percent of my HO real estate.

The layout photos are not the quality of what you would find in Model Railroader or Railraod Model Craftsman magazines; but, thanks to some nifty graphical editing software called LView Pro TM , I'll eventually be able to make even the worst blurred images look like they are somewhat in focus. (I can't re-shoot any pictures, this layout has been dismantled in order to get my house ready for sale. -Ken) So some of these photos will have to be considered "under construction" until I can edit them.

In the meantime, enjoy your visit!

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