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A Compendium of Santa Fe F-unit "Odd" Pilots

This page documents cases of pilots that do or do not match their class "standard"---freight pilots on passenger units or passenger pilots on freight units.  I developed these charts in collaboration with another Santa Fe modeler, Paul Brown of Indianapolis, IN, who started these tables.  Please e-mail any inputs you may have to me for additions or corrections here.

This is passenger unit 40C with
the  "Standard" Passenger Pilot
where there is a step cut into
the sloping side.
This is passenger unit 28C
with the "Odd" Freight Pilot.
This is Freight Unit 224L with a
standard freight pilot; the platform
is clearly visible next to the
smooth sloped side.
This is freight unit 275C's
odd passenger pilot. 
Note the slightly different position
of the grab iron.
342 with Passenger Pilot
28C with Freight Pilot
ATSF 224L standard freight pilot ATSF275C passenger pilot

Since many of the unit numbers had multiple incarnations, or were found in different configurations at different times, there may be occasions where any particular number appears with either type of pilot.  We have tried to cover these as completely as the existing documentation permits, based on the following source references:
Code Refers to this reference source:
#1 The Santa Fe Diesel Vol. 1, Dr. Cinthia Priest (Paired Rail Railroad Publications, 1998)
#2 Santa Fe-all the way, Bill Marvel (Morning Sun Books, 1998)
#3 Santa Fe 1940-1971 In Color (Volume noted), Lloyd E. Stagner  (Morning Sun Books, 1992-93-94)
#4 Santa Fe's Diesel Fleet, JoeMcMillan (Chatham Publishing Co., 1975)
#5 photos in "Santa Fe Modeler" 3rd Quarter 1991 [F unit issue], SFRH&MS
#6 Santa Fe Trackside with Bill Gibson, Lloyd E. Stagner (Morning Sun Books, 1999)
#7 Iron Horses of the SF Trail, E. D. Worley (Southwest Railroad Historical Society, 1965 )
#8 Santa Fe's Early Diesel Daze, John B. McCall (Kachina Press, 1980)
#9 text only in "Santa Fe Modeler" 3rd Quarter 1991 [F unit issue], SFRH&MS
#10 Route of the Warbonnets, JoeMcMillan (McMillan Publications, 1977)
#11 The Surfliners, Dick Stephenson (Trans-Anglo Books, 1988)
#12 Valley Division Vignettes, J.L.Krieger (Valley Rail Press, 1983)
#13 Warbonnets from Super Chief to Super Fleet, Dan Pope & Mark Lynn (Pentrex, 1994)
#14 Santa Fe-1988 Motive Power Pictorial, Joseph W. Shine (Four Ways West Publications, 1989)
#15 Santa Fe in the Lone Star State, SteveAllen Goen (Four Ways West Publications, 2000)
#16 Cajon - Rail Passage to the Pacific, Chard Walker (Trans-Anglo Books - 1985)
ABPR photo linked from www ATSF Index of ABPR part of Qstation, James Czarnecki,
as posted on " ABPR Archive"
FFLG photo linked from www Fallen Flag Railroad Photos, George Elwood
RTPC photo linked from www Ricks Train Picture Collection, Rick
These tables are focused on pilots that do not match their class.  Where we have referenced documentation of the "odd" pilots, you can be sure that the odd configuration existed.  Many photos of standard arrangements have not been included here, as they would have been too numerous;  those that are included are primarily here for contrast.  On the other hand, it is reasonable to assume that those numbers not included here had the standard pilots, as it will probably be difficult to prove otherwise.
For example, in Chard Walker's Cajon a Pictorial Album (Trans-Anglo Books, 1990), there is not a single odd pilot, in all of these numbers: 19, 24, 26, 28, 29, 40C, 46, 234, 271, 274C, and 283C.


16-class and 37-class passenger units:
ABPR postings with passenger pilots:
Additional references (renumberings):
unit # pilot reference
18L p FFLG w/phase 2 upgrade
p #5 p27 (as delivered and as modified to phase 2
& 19C as modified later)
28L p FFLG
28C f #1 p 60 (steam door); #10 p153 1971; ABPR; (=>301C)
29L p #12 p92
34L? f ABPR; (=>302C)
37C p #12 p93; (=>312L[3rd])
38L f #3 vol3 p40; #10 p146 2-70; #12 p95; #16 p 62 Feb '61 
ABPR; (=>304C)
42C p #4 p45; (=>310C)
43C p #4 p44; #3 vol2 p53; #3 vol3 p18
43C f #6 p59; #3 vol4 p95; #14 p64;
ABPR, (=>307C)
44L p #3 vol2 p54
44L ? #3 vol4 p96 (unsure-hard to see)
44L f #3 vol 1 p127; #1 p84 (=>310(3rd))
44C p #3 vol4 p102; #6 p57
46L p #6 p43
46C p #12 p91; (=>300C)
47C f #6 p46; #10 p51 5-19-65; ABPR (=>303C)
47L p #8 p230 circa 1952; ABPR (good top view)

200-class freight units:
Note: These units are more difficult to trace.  I suppose the photographers of the time were more focused on those flashy passenger units, so there are fewer resources available regarding the freight units.

ABPR postings with regular freight pilots-
Additional references:
unit # pilot reference
200 f #9; #8 p201
200 p #5 p17
202 f #5 p24
202C f #10 p61 5-65
209 p #3 vol3 p16
210 p #9
210C f #15 p60 (steam door)
212 p #9; #8 p210
216 p  
216 f  
220 p #9
222 p #9
225 p #9, #16 p70 catwhisker ca. 1950
227 p #9
228 p  
237 p #9, #5 p24
245 p #9
245C f #10 p61 5-65

300-class passenger units:
unit # pilot reference
300C p see 46C
301L f #1 p87; ABPR
301C f see 28C
302 p ABPR Cajon Summit 1966
302 f #10 p135 8-13-71
302C? f see 34L
302C p ABPR?
303C p see 47C in f, redone when renumbered
304 p #10 p135 8-27-72; #12 pp94-95
yes this ABPR is 304; ABPR
304yb p #1 p90
304C f see 38L
306 p ABPR
306C f #14 p68
307C f see 43C; ABPR Chicago, IL 4-9-72
310 p ABPR
310(3rd) f #13 p10; see 44L
310C p see 42C
311 p ABPR
313 p RTPC
315yb p #5 inside back cover

325-class dual-service units:
        bb = blue bonnet livery (click here for more info);
        yb = yellow bonnet livery (click here for more info);
        otherwise it's red & silver;
        and ? = we still don't know.
unit # pilot reference
325bb p #1 p94
326 f #5 p43; #10 p33 5-1-65; #11 p57 7-24-53;
#3 vol 1 pp 15 & 19; #14 p 50; #15 p8
326yb f #1 p90, # 5
327 f #7 p443; #15 p103; ABPR Corwith 5-64
328 f #3 vol 1 p62; #4 p37; #13 p 43
328yb f ABPR
329 f #3 vol 3 p20; vol 2 p118 (red w/b);
#11 p35 9-69; #12 p98
329bb f #1 P94 1972(Split Grille) & 1975
330 f #6 p51; #10 p 31 (red w/b) 4-65; #10 p155 1970;
#15 p73
330 p #3 vol 2 p100; RTPC
330yb p #1 p90
331 f #6 p50
332 f #2 p61; #8 p223; #15 p83
332 p #4 p42
332bb p #5 p43; #1 p95, #5 inside back cover
333 f #7 p443; #15 p18
334 f #3 vol 1 p107; #6 p49
334yb p 1972 J Stephen Foster Photo
335 p #1 p84; #3 vol 1 p61; #6 p44
335 f #15 p121; ABPR
335bb f #1 p94, RTPC
336 p #3 vol 1 p108
336 f #3 vol 1 p27; p69; Jun '85 Trains p29 2-27-54
337 p #4 p42
337 f #2 p76; #15 p81
338 p #3 vol 1 pp 73 & 76 + vol 3 pp 60& 61;
#2 pp 50 & 127; #6 pp48 & 51; #15 p83
338 f ABPR Joliet, IL 1970
338bb f #1 p94
339 f #5 pp 34 & 38; #11 p58 7-70; #14 p50; #15 p78, RTPC
339yb f ABPR Cleburne, TX 6-14-75 (slit or missing dynamic?)
340 f #11 p58 late '60s; #11 p68 1960
341 p #4 p43
341yb p #1 p90
342 p #3 vol 3 p22; #15 p82; ABPR
342 f #7 p443
343 p #2 p125
343 p #1 pp 85,87(silver FP45-style DB fan); #13 p 44
343bb p #1 p94 (silver FP45-style DB fan)
344 f Eastern Archives
344yb f #1 p91 (steam door); ABPR Pauline, KS 9-27-72
345 ?  
346yb p #4 pp 49 & 58, RTPC
347Cyb p #1 p91
347C p many many photos (at Cal State Rwy Museum)
an example on ABPR


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