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The Barstow Flyer
During the Barstow Railfest Oct 16-18th, 2009 a special train, dubbed
Barstow Flyer", made a round trip out of Los Angeles on Saturday
the 17th.
These pictures were captured while the train was parked at Barstow's
famous Harvey House, the
Casa del Desierto.
The train consisted of an
Amtrack P42DC number 23, an Amfleet Coach, AMTK 82580, and four private
cars, the ex-B&M Salisbury Beach (Pullman6-4-6 Sleeper), the ex-SP
Overland Trail (Club Lounge), the ex-CB&Q Silver Splendor (Vista
Dome Diner), and bringing up the rear of the train the ex-CN
business car Tioga Pass. For websites of each private railcar,
click on its individual picture. All photos © 2009 Jim
Fuhrman, all rights reserved.

23-GE P42DC Desel Locomotive
82580-Amfleet Coach
Beach-Pullman 6-4-6 Sleeper

Overland Trail-Club Lounge Car
Silver Splendor-Vista Dome Diner

Tioga Pass-Open Platform Business Car


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