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HEW #33 undergoes successful first steaming

Builder Jack pleased with performance
Owner Keith delighted
Superintendant Ivy tired of soot on laundry

On June 24, 2003, the crew of Hewitson Engine Works welcomed the crews of Hullo Central Railway and The Jiquay Railway & Navigation Company, for the initial trials of locomotive #33, "HEW."  La Fête Nationale de Saint-Jean Baptiste seemed as appropriate as any to test the tall-stacked wonder, which was noted immediately to be successful at sending flaming nuggets of Drumheller coal into the ionisphere.


Tests of the Rowland Emett-designed shipping crate and 12-volt solar-powered blower were also quite encouraging.

After a half-dozen lengths of the 80-foot straight test track under the oppressive heat, the engine returned to the Jiquay shops for some minor adjustments and a major cleanup, while the test team returned to the Hewitson Engine Works shops for some lemonade and biscuits.

Future testing, and adjustments to the nut on the end of the shovel, are scheduled at the Montreal, Lachine and Soulanges County Railway continuous loop track throughout 2003 and beyond.

Jim Leggett Photo

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