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Steam Logging 2002
in Mount Vernon, Washington
aka the 8th Annual NW Logging Modelers' Convention
June 27-29, 2002

The "Bethlehem 4" came ~ they can't resist a good time. But wait ~ that doesn't
look like Jeff. Apparently he's in the witness protection program. Oh well . . .

After registration Thursday morning we looked for logging equipment in and near
Woolley. As you can see, it drizzled this year. BTW, is UGLY DIESEL redundant?

Every town should have a mural like this on at least one building.

As usual, there were many fine entries in the model contest, including Dave's
evolving model ~ this year on wheels ~ of BJ in the biffy (see last year's entry).

Dave and Yuta try their luck at joining IBSEL ~ but to no avail

Think it's too far to get to the Convention? These three "Easterners" made it!
(Hiromi, Jersey George, and Yuta)
So... see you next year!

There's so much more ~ click on these images to see: Thursday's Railway Excursion,
Friday's Steam Sawmill & Donkey Demonstration, and Sunday's Donkey Hunt
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