This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/lazyacre.
Slim & Stumpy on 1:1 railWhat is going on here?
Slim and Stumpy visit:
Doc Patti's Winged Foot & Western
in New Jersey
Phil Creer's Toenail Ridge Shortline in Australia
John Crandall's Big Yawn & Overbite in Colorado
Warren Stirling's Hungry Creek & Long Pass in New Zealand
Grant Alexander's Squirrel Valley Railway in New Zealand
The Lazy Acre RR in a Y2K Adventure
Konrad Richter's Lakes Sand & Lumber Co. in New Jersey
Carl Tobin's North Pacific Coast RR in Oregon
Richard Smith's Port Orford Coast RR in Oregon
John Crandall's Piute Lumber Co. in Colorado
The Del Oro Pacific Railroad in California
The 2001 East Coast Large Scale Train Show in York PA
Stan Cedarleaf's Prescott Canyon Southern Garden RR in Arizona
The NH Garden RR Society's modular layout in York PA
Want Slim and Stumpy to have an adventure on your railroad? E-mail me at to make arrangements. $16.00 (their value plus s&h),
photos of their visit (JPEGs please), and some info about your railroad is all
that is needed. I'll do the rest. Keep them, or return them for a $12.00 refund.
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