Bähn by Jan Bochmann
Run your own tramway system.
Shareware available. After two months, pay author or stop using program. Click on link above to see where.
Railways by Sebastien Marchant
Shareware layout CAD from Sebastien Marchant.
RAILWAYS can be run from DOS 3.3 to Win31/Win95/98/NT and OS/2. Graphics mode from
EGA (640x350x16) to VESA-SVGA (up to 1280x1024x256).
Shareware available. After 21 days, pay author or stop using program. Click on link above to see where.
Railroad Tycoon II by PopTop Software
Build your own railroad empire, before the others buy you out!
Pentium 133 or higher, 16MB RAM, 4X CDROM, 1024 x 768 capable video card and monitor, 130MB free hard disk space.
Shareware available.
Consists of a washed-down version of the registered version, with options and scenarios disabled. +/- 50MB download.
Train Dispatcher 2 by Signal Computer Consultants
Dispatch a subdivision. Quite Adictive
386 with 4 MB of RAM,
4MB of available disk space,
Windows 3.1 or higher (including Windows 98),
VGA or higher graphics adapter,
No sound card is required.
Visit Signal Computer Consultants