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European Stone Bridges
When the addition of a cog rail line was added to the layout, we were in need of a stone arch bridge. This section explains the steps we used to build the bridge. We also decided to replace an existing bridge that can be seen on this page.

Above is the first step. We needed to make the main base of the structure. This was made out of the pink insulation foam that you can get at Home Depot. The foam can be carved, so we made the round structure and took out the arches later. It was then covered with a metal mesh that was tied back through the foam with wire ties.

We then were ready to add the stone. The stone that is needed should be about 1/2 inch thick. I went to a stone yard and picked it up off the ground. They also didn't charge me for it because it would have just been thrown out. The stone was cut with tile nips. Make sure the stone you use is soft enough that you can use the nips. I took them to the stone yard with me to test it out first. Once they are cut, they are ready to be applied. Put on a heavy coat of Quickcrete Vinyl Patching Cement. Then press the stone in the cement until it pushes up around the stone. You have to do this if you want the stone to stay on for many years. It looks like mortar on the stone when it is done.

This is the finished product on one of the bridges. Below are pictures of the finished product in the layout.
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