The modeled portion of the Mesquite Belt travels along the former MKT
from Houston's Eureka Yard to Ft. Worth's North Yard, just north of Tower
New Scenes from October & November
Ben Benda runs a local past Northwest Steel     Steve Gohman's mock up of IH-610 Loop
Word is out that DPS is shooting radar                  
DPS helping a stranded motorist on IH-610
Looking under IH-610 Loop westward    
Igloo's Brookshire Plant & paint can silos
Brazos River crossing with staging underneath
Another look at the staging and bridge span
Looking from the Brazos River to 610 & more benchwork         
Dispatcher's Office & where Ft. Worth will be(sky)
Moving the 1rst benchwork into the depot in March!
Sheetrocking where Eureka Yard will go in
The paint wasn't probably dry yet!
This is where the dispatcher's office will go
Geary Johnson (kneeling) & Mike Ellis @ Eureka Yd