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Interactive Map
Aerial Image
Click here for annotated map.
Map size 700x800 pixels (57KB).
here for an
excellent map of St. Louis railroads by the A&S.
(PDF format, 454 KB)
Frequency: All the time.
Radio Frequencies: See below for frequency numbers.
Personal Safety: Keep an eye out.
Poor to bad in daytime, bad at night. Depends where you are.
Common sense here... stay on the main roads and do not enter housing project
Local Police/RR Police:
Various local municipalities, RR Police
Food: Scattered around town.
Other Information
Good photo times: All day long. Valley Jct. is a good place to
catch a variety of action into/out of the west end of Gateway Yard.
Warning... This is not a real safe area - be alert.
Radio Frequencies frequency(AAR channel)
Gateway Yard: 160.335(15)
Gateway to Lenox: 160.770(44)
Carmen: 161.175(71)
North Hump: 160.905(53)
South Hump: 161.445(89)
Former CR: 161.070(64)
IL Sub: 160.230(08)
IL Sub DS: 160.320(14)
CN(IC St. Louis Dist.)
STL Dist. (KY Div.): 160.950(56)
STL Dist. (IL Div.): 160.440(22)
Brooklyn Dist.: 160.440(22)
A&E Dist.: 161.250(76)
TRRA: 160.500(26)
Chester Sub.: 161.550(96)
Pana Sub.: 160.410(20)
Springfield Sub.: 160.560(30)
Amtrak uses Sprinfield Sub
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