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Railroads: UP (C&NW), WSOR (Milw),
Frequency: Any time
Radio Frequencies:
Ch1 Rd: 160.575(91)
Ch2 MofW: 161.145(92)
Gen. Ops: 160.215(93)
Ch1 Rd: 160.890(94)
Ch2 Jvl Yard: 160.455(95)
Ch3 Jvl Yard: 161.040(96)
Yard: 161.220(97)
Unknown Personal Safety: Good
Local Police/RR Police: Janesville PD, RR n/a
West Court St. (WI BUS 11), also downtown area restaurants.
Other Information
Good photo times: All day. WSOR is the busiest by far.
UP will usually run a local a day to interchange with WSOR and ICE and may
continue north to serve industry on Janesville's north side. UP, as
needed, will also run a local out the Evansville branch. The ICE train
usually arrives on some weekday mornings to switch its only customer in town,
Freedom Plastics on S. Arch Street. Note that ICE has filed a petition to
abandon the line from Janesville south to the Alliant energy power plant halfway
between Janesville and Beloit. WSOR is looking into purchasing the line. |
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