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Mid-West Rails News

Copyright L. A. Gerdel
"Lone Rails" Copyright L. A. Gerdel

After a quick run from KC to Fort Worth, Texas a couple of weeks ago, I've added a bit more to the site this evening. All to the UP & SP pages. Just a tip if you have a digital camera. Don't shoot an MPEG sideways then rotate it. It looses quite a bit of the framerate. Worse than that, it almost doubles in size. So, (dern it) the clip we shot from the pedestrian bridge over Centennial is not posted. Guess I'll be making that trip again to make up the oops. Also have added the link to Frisco 1522's homepage on the St. Louis page.

Success! A little time outside the storage shed with a digital camera did the job. Never was much with doing close-up shots with a camera, but by good fortune my brother-in-law is a natural with anything that takes a picture. Enjoy. We shivered a bit to get these put together.

Brrr!!! December was a cold one around here. If you were anywhere in the Midwest during that month, you are more than slightly familiar with the word COLD! Needless to say, outdoor train chasing wasn't happening. Huddle inside and hope the heat stays on. Recovered my Ft Worth, Texas slides today and managed to put a few through the scanner. The new pictures are on the BNSF & UP pages. I say new, but the slide box has been in storage since 1994, so they've been around for a while. I was just glad to see that they'd survived.

Went train chasin' (Finally) out to Henrietta, Mo. today and found a few good pics on the rails. Added an MPG video to the site as well. We filmed it with a hand held digital camera, so please excuse our bounces. It's the first time we've tried this and I'm quite happy about the way it turned out. Next time around we'll be on a tripod. Just forgot the dern thing today. It'll be about 1.4 MB so the download shouldn't be too bad.

Added 2 pictures of Frisco #1522 to the St Louis page. Pictures were contributed by my buddy Frisco_RR, original founder of the Model Railroaders Junction Club on Yahoo. I'm planning to see about collecting a little more info about the loco and I should be able to link to her home page as well.

AAAACCCKKK!!! Ok, I'll skip the long & dull about why I haven't worked on the page in a while. Believe me I remember what excuses are like and why everybody's got one. Pulled the guest book. It didn't seem to be real popular and the free provider had a 30 day cut off if it wasn't in use. Currently trying to collect some more scans for the photo pages. Anybody got a scanner that will do slides they want to sell cheap??

Just a couple more updates tonight. Added the KCS Executive train to the KCS page. You'll be surprised what a determined four year old with a camera can do.

I was hoping to have the pictures from Ft Worth up by now. A little "technical difficulty" has caused the delay. They'll be up before too long.

*Yawn* I should be sleeping at this hour, but I had time to get one more thing done to the site. Mid-West Rails is now listed with the TrainWeb Webring.

Mid-West Rails has been up for a couple of weeks now. I've been getting some good feedback on the site's performance. Thanks to those who have noticed a few things that needed corrections or additions.

Posted a few more pictures to the Gateway Western, KCS, and BNSF pages. Then, I got a wild hair and added in the guestbook an hour or so later.

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