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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/mikeystrainpix.

1. Amtrak 2. Cars 3. Canadian Pacific
4. CSX 5. Historical
6. MOW Equipment 7. New Jersey Transit
8. Norfolk Southern 9. Septa

Welcome to my site. I take train pics of just about anything in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia area (with my tolerance of traveling, that covers a lot of area). Most pics here are taken with a Kodak CX7430 4.0 Megapixel camera. All pics are taken and owned by myself unless otherwise noted.

Some of the pics are a bit big, I'll reduce them as soon as possible.

Current picture count:
NS: 2
NJT: 5
CSX: 5
CP: 2
Cars: 8
Historical: 9
Main page: 1


May 15, 2005

Added 11 pics (NJT, CSX, Cars) and two new sections (Amtrak and Septa).

May 8, 2005

Added 5 pics (New Jersey Transit, CSX, Cars) and one new section (MOW).

May 6, 2005

Added a Guestbook.

On another note, to make updates a little less erratic and to allow me to acquire and edit more pictures per update, I'm going to (hopefully) update once a week, usually Sunday.

May 1, 2005

Ok I realize that it's been almost a year since my last update, but I've finally added some new pics and sections.
Updated Sections:
Norfolk Southern

May 13, 14, 15 2004

Added Historical section with three pics from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania

May 18, 2004

Added CP section with two pics.

Contact me

Amtrak Railroad Bridge

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