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Metrolink Photo Archive
A presentation by the Los Angeles Metrolink Historical Society

About Charles P. White:


My name is Charles P. White.  I am the founder of the Metrolink Photo Archive and the "Los Angeles Metrolink Historical Society".  As a railroad enthusiast my goal is to promote the railroads as a safe, and economical mode of transportation for our country.  I hope you enjoy this site as we try to document Metrolink through history.  Please send me email with your comments or compliments (hint hint).

I am also a model railroader and I am a member of the Highland Pacific Railroad in San Gabriel. One of the most finished clubs in America.

I would like to give special thanks to those that have helped me with this site as noted below.

Special Thanks:

I would like to thank Carlos Balacuit for joining me in this endeavor.  Carlos has loaned me his Kodak DC 260 digital camera (shown below) for the purposes of this website and has accompanied me on a few field trips.  He has also helped with the animated gif of the "Metrolink Photo Archive Banner."  Here Carlos and I took a trip on the Metro Rail Red Line subway from Union Station Los Angeles to Hollywood and Vine.

I would also like to thank the many people that work for Metrolink.  From touring the facilities, I have always been met with professionalism and courtesy.  The employees of Metrolink show a genuine pride in the rail system they are building and it shows in their personalities.  The facilities are clean and the concern for safety shows.

Many thanks go to Gills Page and Daniel DeschĂȘnes of Bombardier Transportation Corporation, Canada, for their various contributions of Metrolink photos, including the fine aerial shot of the Taylor Yard facility.  Thank you again.

Also great thanks go to the Steve Grande.  His vision of providing "Trainweb" and hosting rail-related web content by non-profit organizations makes this all possible.  Steve co-inspired me to start this site with his frequent "rail trip travelogues" from riding Metrolink and Amtrak. These travelogues provide a historic record in themselves.

 Special thanks also go to the staff of Trainweb that support the site.  Thanks guys for always being there when I call.


And the guy I really blame (and thank) for me starting this site is Jim Hebner. Jim founded the Amtrak Photo Archive on the Internet.  That site started out as his own libary of Amtrak photographs. When he posted his site on the web, people began sending him photos of other Amtrak equipment.  Today the site is a wonderful historic record of Amtrak since it's inception in 1971.  You will see my Amtrak photos on his site.

Equipment Used:

The digital camera used for the Metrolink Photo Archive is the DC 260 (simalar to the DC 265 pictured).  This camera provides a sharp image and stores over 128 high resolution (1532x1200) photos with an optional 64 Mb memory card.  The only down side is that it uses plenty of batteries.  I always carry spares.

This website is managed and maintained by Charles P. White.  Please read and review the "How to submit your photos" page before sending contribution photographs.  All photographs are copywrited by the photographers unless otherwise noted.

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