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Canadian Pacific Railway
EMD SD40-2 #6007
Buffalo, MN. October 6, 2006
Three faded red SD40-2's lead a long CP grain over over a fairly new bridge over Colton Avenue NW just north
of Buffalo. The train will meet another at Buffalo, then continue on into Minneapolis.
Burlington Northern Railroad
EMD SD60M #9221
Clear Lake, MN. May 23, 2006
A rare 3 three-unit set of Burlington Northern SD60M locomotives lead an eastbound loaded coal train
toward the power plant located at Becker, Minnesota. The train is made up entirely of Canadian Pacific gondolas.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
EMD MP15DC #3701 & GE C40-8W #929
Willmar, MN. October 6, 2006
Paint Schemes of both Burlington Northern and Santa Fe are seen at the Willmar Station. The small BN switcher
is a remote-controlled yard engine, while the Santa Fe GE is leading a westbound road train.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
GE ES44DC #7632
Elk River, MN. September 25, 2006
A fairly new BNSF ES44DC leads a long intermodal through the curve in downtown Elk River, Minnesota.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
EMD SD70MAC #8868
Big Lake, MN, August 12, 2006
Three big SD70MAC locomotives painted for both BNSF and BN lead an eastbound loaded coal train
through downtown Big Lake.
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