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Yadkin Valley Railroad
EMD GP38 #3614
YVRR Elkin Train
Elkin, NC. December 15, 2004
The Yadkin Valley Railroad Elkin Train crosses a bridge built in 1899 by the Phoenix Bridge Company
of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. The train is operating in push-pull mode with a locomotive at each
end of the consist.
Yadkin Valley Railroad
GMD GP40-2W #9548
YVRR Rural Hall Train
East Elkin, NC. December 15, 2004
The Yadkin Valley Railroad Rural Hall Train follows on the heels of the Elkin train with three ex-
Canadian National Railroad GMD GP40-2W locomotives. The locomotives were built with Safety Cabs and
previously saw service across Canada before being bought by Gulf & Ohio Railways for use on the Yadkin
Valley Railroad.
Norfolk Southern
EMD SD40 #1593
NS P61
Salisbury, NC. December 18, 2004
The P61 local rounds the curve at the Salisbury Wye, preparing to head west on the NS Asheville
District. NS 1593 is an ex-Norfolk & Western locomotive.
Alexander Railroad Company
Alco S3 #6
Scotts, NC. March 10, 2005
Alexander Railroad's daily local from Taylorsville to Statesville rolls along their well-maintained
right-of-way enroute to switch the industrial park in Statesville.
Alexander Railroad Company
GE 44-Ton #3
Statesville, NC. March 10, 2005
Old, Rusty, but still useful, Alexander Railroad #3 sits alone outside of an industry in Statesville.
The old engine is used occasionally to switch several industries in town.
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