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A & G Price Ltd. - Page 4
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A Price type E #111 alongside Climax #1650 on the Ellis & Burnand tramway at Ongarue.
On this extensive tramway, the Climax worked between the mill and the Waione camp siding while the 'E' worked from
there to the bush loading points. This Price type E was first of the series and was built in 1923 for
Selwyn Timber Co. at Mangatapu.
(Peter Mellor)

#111 at work on the Ongarue tramway of Ellis & Burnand.
(Peter Mellor)
The last Type E, #121, was built in 1937 and was quite different to those that
preceded it. It was built for the Taupo Totara Timber Co. as their #10. It was a more refined machine than
the earlier models as well as being heavier. It worked for the TTT until 1944 and then after being idle for
a period, was engaged by the Public Works Department, as their #417, for construction work on the
Kinlieth line.
(P.F. Dyer)
Price 'E' #121 lying at Putaruru around 1956 awaiting the scrapper's torch.
It was finally scrapped in 1958.
(Peter Mellor)
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